as everyone should know recently I hit a roo in the bf2 turbo minor front end damage will post pictures before and after car still drives very well so I continued the drive to work no worries apon coming home I was pulled over by cops and yellow sticked for missing/damaged front bumper into which I had already organised the insurance to fix the car and had it booked in asap or 5 days and arranged on the same day that I hit the roo anyway it's gotta go over the pits and the diff bush is destroyed it is really really stuffed big time had them since they installed the new diff Nov 11 or 170,000km ago the cars is currently sitting on 299,000kms almost the big 300,000 for a dec 07 falcon xr6t is there anyway of replacing the diff bush without removing the diff as I'm going to do it myself and it'll be a car jack and wheel stands job I've brought last year a superpro comfort + for the center bush but