Hi all
There are a number of things on the minds of the voting populace re national secuurity atm
Least of which are my personal views
eg consider
Intervention in Syria and Iraq V Isil, where to then ?
Terrorism V democratic rights of nutters
Jackie Lambie is a nutter
The incident in SE Melbourne yesterday.
Faith in the federal Govt to act in our best interests V over reach and votes
Raids in NSW and QLD a ruse?
3 vehicles of citizens of Australia with "beards" at Lucas Heights
What scope should Australian agencies be allowed?
Media reach
The greens
I currently wear a beard, If pulled up would I become indignant ?
No. Nothing to find and nothing to see. Would I claim discrimination?
What do think is really happening ?
Point is what does the XR6 Turbo community think of our world ?
Personally somewhat nervous,Things seem to escalating at a rapid rate
Would like to keep this discussion balanced .a pov is welcomed.
Over to you ?
Mods delete if too provocative ? we will not speak of censorship and free speech ?
another thread perhaps lol