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Found 16 results

  1. I just had my dealer replace my ICC unit on my FG. They replaced it and did not setup the reversing camera. When I spoke to them about it, they said the camera needs programming and would cost an additional $200. Does it need programming, I would have thought it was plug and play considering it was setup previously? and if it does need programming, is that something I can easily do? Or Does it just need wiring attached?
  2. Hi all, The stock ICC in my BA XR6 has finally stopped working it's been on the way out for a while now and has been shutting on and off from time to time. I've purchased a used ICC from the wreckers it's the same basic ICC found in most Falcons I'm just wondering is it as simple as swapping over the BCM or will there be code problems?
  3. Hi everyone, Recently I had to replace the front right hand light bulb in my 03 XR6 this involved removing the battery so I could get my hands behind the headlight. After reconnecting the battery my ICC Unit is completely blank every other electrical system such as the Central locking, interior lighting work fine. I've checked every fuse on the fuse panel and they are all perfectly ok. I have tired other multiple fixes with no success, any help/advice would be hugely appreciated.
  4. Hi guys, Need some help. I have a 2014 xr6 fg2 and my icc screen froze up today just after I paired my phone to it. The screen had a thick horizontal colored band at the bottom of it. I tried disconnecting the battery for 10min and reconnecting it but the screen went all blank and black in color. I also tried pulling out the icc fuses and reconnecting them . When I did this the screen had vertical colored lines then faded to a black screen. Before the screen faded to black I could faintly see the temperature numbers through the vertical colored lines. I also tried holding the power on but it didn’t work and the power button couldn’t turn off the radio. The radio turned off when I opened the door and took the keys out of the ignition. I was hoping some of you falcon gurus could help . Cheers
  5. FFalcon6

    MK2 FG XR6

    Hi, can some please explain why the touch feature on my 2014 fg falcon is not working, the icc displays everything like normal but the actual touch feature is not working, so I can see but I can’t touch lol
  6. After car wash ICC screen is stuck on ford logo? Tried taking battery out.. nothing Tried the fuses they look fine.. nothing it even stays on when I take the keys out and lock the car!!! HELP!
  7. How's it going? Anyone know where or what wires are for the existing reverse camera, there is a 12 pin harness on the back of the icc there is more then the same colour and I need to solder in an rca cable with power to to connect my new icc stereo upgrade for reverse camera Fg series 2 2012
  8. So I disconnected my battery to change my light bolbs in my 2013 xr6 fg. When I connected it all back up and got into my car I noticed my display wasnt working. So I tired holding the power button waiting for a beep but no beep... actually I couldnt turn the radio off at all. All of my media functions dont work (bluetooth, AUX, phone), the only thing that works is the radio. Iv'e tried everything I can think of.
  9. BA ICC Unit issue, Stereo dropped out and aircon whilst driving and won't turn on or work when manually try to turn on ICC,blank screen and still no fan or aircon.... Things to check or anything suggested to rectify the problem?
  10. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone knows if you can get digital gauges up on the Icc unit mk2 screen? I understand it wouldn't be easy and would require a programmer maybe but just had a thought today and wanted to know...? Thanks
  11. Hi guys, Not sure if this topic has been raised before but, I've got a MK2 XR6 turbo and was wanting to put some gauges in (boost, oil press.) and was wondering if anyone knows if someone makes a gauge holder to sit above the ICC. I know they make one for the MK1 but have yet to see one for the MK2. If anyone could let me know if they make them it would be much appreciated Thanks, Matthew
  12. So had the Coon into the dealership to get the blue tooth firm ware updated so we could have the handsfree and iphone working etc. They did the update, however in the process came across an internal error code related to the front display interface module. Error code B1342 possible causes internal microprocessor failure refer to workshop manual for further diagnosis. This is the reason the blue tooth and I-connector wont work. They wouldnt go any further for me which is disappointing but its going back in and the car dealer is paying for it and the repair whatever it maybe will be covered by warranty. Anyone else come across this issue? The issues accuring are no blue tooth connectivity - ie, when you go to pair a new phone, nothing comes up and when you connect an ipod or iphone it does nothing, no charging no music, nothing. The radio and aux plug still work however.
  13. Gday all just removed my icc to install boost guage in 05 xr6t. after putting icc back in and reconnecting wiring looms into bottom, I have the following issues tacho and speedo dont workoil light ontemp light onengine light ontraction control light wont turn offcruise control does not display but does workstereo does not turn onanyone else had this problem? have disconnected, reconnected battery.
  14. Hey guys A couple days ago I took my car to the auto sparky for a quick install of my gauges, as I decided pulling the ICC out was too stressful for me. they completed the job fairly quick and no worries, but as soon as I left the auto sparky a problem started Driving along, doesnt matter if im accelerating, cornering or just sitting at the lights, the ICC would just turn off, come up with "security code error" then reset and back to normal with reset clock etc. I took it back to them that afternoon and they pulled it apart and said they couldnt find anything wrong with it and I said I'd wait the weekend. Here I am on Tuesday, and as driving home yesterday I had two occurrences of the ICC turning completely off, the Ignition turning off (dash lights all turn on like ive just started it and slowly turn off) and roll like that for a good couple of seconds, and to the auto sparky it sounds like im trying to get my BA mk2 manual fixed for a earlier problem for free, but this never happened until they f***** with it. so, down to the question.. is there anything in the process of pulling the ICC out, and wiring up boost and oil pressure, that they could have loosened anything that would mess with ignition and ICC power? so I have a bit of knowledge for the subject when I take it back in today a bit more upset on the subject. Thanks heaps guys in advance
  15. Hey guys, I know this topic has come up in the past. Unfortunately my circumstances are a little different. I beileve the HIM module has gone which is blowing cold air out on to my passenger (thankfully not my side) and just in time for Winter. What's worse is that my car (Ford FG F6 '08) is no longer under warranty. I'm looking for a repairer that isn't a ford dealership, for obvious reasons. That's in the Perth, WA region that can fix it up for me and roughly what would be a decent price to pay for the work?
  16. hey guys so in my normal style I started off doing somthing I knew nothing about! its all apart of my style what I was doing was removing the icc so I could install some gauges I just jumped straight into it didnt bother to disconnect the battery rookie mistake! any how, half way thru the alarm starting going off and I figured it was time to disconnect the battery so I did, I finshed what I had to do and now when it came to starting my car it wouldnt start at all , I would turn the key to acc n all the lights were on but wouldnt start, the raido read "code error", and from what I have read it just takes half an hour or so to go back to normal as it is the origanal unit so no code is needed, but my issue now is the car wont do anything at all it dead nothing happens when the key is any position , Im thinking its prob fuses or relays, I relize I will have to take it some where but is there any trouble shooting tips you guys have befor I get it towed, just to make you all laught the sun roof is open n garage is full! im off to k-mart to by a garden shade haha... any help would be great!
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