Hey all, Recently I fitted a Cold air induction I purchased off fleabay,, http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/COLD-AIR-INTAKE-KIT-FG-XR6-TURBO-XR6-6-CYL-ALL-FG-6CYL-MODELS-/350494826082?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item519b1e9e62 I didn't pay attention to the instructions properly and not realising I had to cut it to clear the IC piping I heard a very loud crack as I tried to forcefully push the side panel into place.. Headlight still works.. But there is a bit of play in the IC piping that is right near passenger side headlight. It's also worth noting that I changed the cone pipe at the same time and I haven't got a lid on the new Air box yet as it started to piss down rain so I went inside and hid.. Power wise it doesn't really feel any different.. But the induction sound has increased alot.. But now when I let off the throttle after giving it a bootfull I get this FFFFSSSSSSSHHHHHHOOOOOOOO noise.. Is this just the blow off valve letting go into the crossover making more noise because of the pod filter? Or have I managed the crack something essential? Or how would I tell? I couldn't notice any air escaping while a mate was revving it up but it's hard to tell given the location of the piping. Thanks in advance.