On behalf of webby324.. Ok, So trying to organise a meet n greet for the following weeks on the 7th or 8th of December. (depending who can come on what night). The plan is to meet at Croydon Bunnings at 6 - 6:15 and have a quick chat there (BP opposite for anyone needing petrol) and then drive over to Yarra Glen (or in the Yarra Valley) for a pub meal. After that we will then go through the Yarra Valley to Belgrave and back down Mountain Hwy which comes out in Bayswater. Most likely we will stop somewhere in the middle for a few pictures as well. I need to know numbers for bookings obviousy, so post your interest and PM me if theres any questions. As said it's a meet and greet so feel free to bring along any partners, gf's, kids etc Cheers Chris