hello all first id like to thank everyone on helping me and everyone else out so much, I cant stress how much this web site has helped me over the years so ive got a fg xr6t 100xxxklms mods are turbo back exhaust injectors rapidsystems v2 intake and intercooler kit valve springs xcal 3 and dyno tune to 303rwkw ive got a turbo of a low klm f6 (not installed) ive got the gate ported and new flapper with 12psi actuator ill have to get a new in tank pump and not go below half a tank ( cause im a cheap ass and cant afford a surge tank and .44 setup) and a retune to about 16-19psi on 98 im hoping for between 375-400 and once the box is built im hoping for a 10.9 1/4mile with semi's I was under the impression that a stock f6 turbo could make these numbers but I few mates are saying that ill only get to about 360ish with this turbo , so now im considering getting a .7 front cover for the f6 turbo as well has any one else done this mod and what do you guys think of my set up is the new cover necessary and is the time im looking for doable if its not ill be changing the injectors straight up to to 1000cc ones and doing a e85 tune if this fails to get to the 10.9 ill be doing a e85 tune ( out of a barrel $2.50perL) than I know ill get it thanks for all the help guys