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  1. Its been awhile since I last posted about this. A few weeks went by where I pre-heated the ECU every morning before I could start it. Although it was a hassle it was a lot less hassle then trying to get the car to a dealership. One morning the car stopped on the way to work while driving down the freeway, which really freaked me out. So I borrowed my sisters car for a few days and got the XR booked into the original dealership. Dropped the XR off in the morning, that afternoon they rang to say that they had found the ECU to be faulty. A new one had been fitted and I could come back and pick up my car. That was just over a week ago now and touch wood.. the car has started every morning since.
  2. The service came and went with the car needing an overnight stay. At least public transport worked that afternoon. Wife dropped me at work and I picked my car up later that morning with a brand new relay installed. Thing is I cant understand how warming up the ECU on the passenger side of the car can fix a relay mounted on the drivers side?? Surprisingly enough it didnt fix the problem so now I have to book it into Ford for another overnight stay and hassle some mates/wife for lifts to/from work. I asked for a loan car but aparently Ford dont lend out cars overnight. suck.
  3. Im just glad that I can now start it. Ive got it booked into a different dealership (not pissed with the other one. just these guys are closer) for its 30,000km service so hopefully I can convince them to replace the ECU on the same day
  4. Saga so far. Engine turns over but wont fire. Call the RAC out they somehow get the car started by playing around with the relay that controls the fuel pump. 4 Days later same fault. Call the RAC out and he manages to get the car started by resetting the ECU. I take the car to Ford and tell them to fix it. 3 Days later I pick my car back up with a brand new fuel pump. Next morning same fault. RAC tow it this time up to Ford. 2 Days this time and they say they have found a bad connection to the ECU. Following morning it wont start. I leave it alone all day and try again in the afternoon and it works! Following morning it still doesnt start. So I get out a hot air gun (paint stripper) and warm up the ECU and then try to start the car. w00t all good. Let it cool down and now it wont start. So I suppose it could still be a bad connection or maybe condensation in the ECU, cracked board etc. Going to get a can of freezer spay to see if I can replicate the problem in front of the Ford techs. hopefully it will get fixed this time.
  5. I found this on the RAC website. Thought it might be of assistance http://rac.com.au/go/community-and-informa...-demerit-points One thing that surprised me is the use of fog lights. OK Ok I have always known that we are not supposed to use em unless its appropriate but really 3 points Speeding is a lesser offence then trying to make my car more visable on the road. Anyway drive safe people and watch out for the larger bills.
  6. Generally I dont mind using the key to unlock/lock the hardcover but I got thinking about the idea of a remote lock and how best to implement it. I came up with the idea of using those really strong electro magnetic locks. If we bolt one on each side of the tub then place a lump of metal on the door itself..... doh. bet itd suck the car battery dry in a matter of days. back to the drawing board.
  7. Flashtac I think is the name youll find it near the building supplys. itll be close to all the roofing supply stuff such as Whirlybirds and skylights.
  8. Recent part numbers and prices here for the Typhoon CAI mod http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...topic=29684&hl=
  9. hmm, I wouldn't believe what he's told you... although an NA might be different? but I got my centre muffler removed and hot dogs in place, and it sounds sweet. Do a search on "centre muffler" and a whole heap will come up. I got a post in there some where with a video clip, as does bain. ← Well like I said I havnt made my mind up yet. I would probably go with the hotdogs rather then a straight pipe to 'soften' the sound a little bit if I do decide to remove the centre muffler.
  10. filpee

    Towing Hitch

    OK here you go. The hitch slides in and the locking pin is hidden behind the rear bumper. Its not a bad setup as it looks quite neat when hitch is installed. But it does have its issues. The most obvious ones being that there is nothing to hide the hole when the hitch is not installed and the socket for the lights sticks out like a sore thumb. The other less obvious problems is trying to get the locking pin in. Unless you want to get on your back and slide under the tail you have to install it blind, after a few goes you eventually get the hang of it (removing is still pretty easy). The final problem is with the location of the safety chain anchor point as this is also hidden behind the bumper. Originally I was going to install a short chain link to hang under the car but I was really worried about the chain rubbing up under the plastic and damaging my rear bumper. In the end I got my father in law to weld up some new anchor points on the hitch itself (which I need to paint with some anti rust). I have seen other utes with better installs then this but I was on a tight budget. Speak to your installer to see what he can do. When I got mine fitted there was another XR getting a Hayman Reese hitch fitted. When I picked up my car he recons he could have done 2 cars like mine in the time it took him to fit the Reese hitch. Phil ps. just remembered another lil issue. the hitch seems to move around alot. loads of clunking noises whenever I tow. You get used to it but it would be nice if it was a tighter fit.
  11. Went to an exhaust place today enquiring about getting the centre muffler taken out of my N/A ute. The guy behind the counter said he would do it for about $100 but recons I would get a much better note spending money on a propper cat back system $450. I havnt heard any XR's that have the centre muffler removed but this guy recons that most of the guys that have had it done at his shop have whinged about the noise and replaced the muffler or changed to the cat back. Havnt made my mind up yet what I am going to do but in your case I think the stock centre muffler has pretty decent flow and wont give any performance gains. From what I have read here you really gotta do the intake + extractors + cat to get a decent improvement, then throw in an edit to extract the full potential out of your mods.
  12. filpee

    Towing Hitch

    I got a parkside hitch fitted to my ute. ill take a couple of photos in the morning for ya.
  13. Fitted the Typhoon Second CAI yesterday but didnt get around to taking the car out for a drive till today. Cant say I really noticed much difference in power but I'm not disapointed as from everything that I have read this mod helps out with fuel economy and opens the door for more power from other mods down the track.
  14. I stopped by Altronics and picked up these ones http://www.altronics.com.au/index.asp?area=item&id=Z0707 mm Blue LED Water Clear Specifications: Viewing Angle: 22° Brightness: 1400mcd Voltage Typical: 3.5V Voltage Max: 4.0V Current: 30mA Current Peak: 150mA nothing that interesting but does the job Those LED's you have sound interesting. I was thinking now I might put a couple of em under the cci fascia to light up the tissue box and then a couple more under the tissue box to light up in there. Then to finish up ill look at putting a couple of cold cathodes up under the drivers side dash and the passenger dash to light up the footwells.
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