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Everything posted by Namder

  1. Hi Guys, My son is having difficulties with his FG's turning signals. Hoping someone knows the fault. When the engine is switched off, the left & right turn signals (indicators) work fine as well as the hazard lights. When the engine is running the hazard lights work fine. When the engine is running and the right side turn signal is activated, it works fine. When the engine is running and the left side turn signal is activated, it will blink once and then continue to blink on the incorrect right hand side. Has anyone experienced this and how did you repair it?
  2. After going through forums it looks as though any Ford built between 2011 - 2014 have these ICC issues. Should have been a recall.
  3. If I cannot get anywhere with this and you are serious and have the ability to persuade, I would take any assistance and be grateful. I was going to pull it apart and see whether they just haven't wired it correctly. But if it is what they say, programming, I wouldn't know where to start. I initially bought the car new at Medindie, where I had it serviced for many years. They would not replace the faulty unit initially. Then they moved to Unley so I've had the replacement ICC fitted at Rebel Ford, Elizabeth. I just spent over 7K with them repairing all the suspension and various other issues. You'd think they would assist a good customer.
  4. I did tell the Ford Dealer that the camera was not working, and they told me it would cost a further $200 to program it. Every video that I have watched, they just attach the cable and the camera works. It is an absolute joke considering I have just paid $1,300 for a replacement part that was faulty from day 1 and should have been replaced under warranty.
  5. I just had my dealer replace my ICC unit on my FG. They replaced it and did not setup the reversing camera. When I spoke to them about it, they said the camera needs programming and would cost an additional $200. Does it need programming, I would have thought it was plug and play considering it was setup previously? and if it does need programming, is that something I can easily do? Or Does it just need wiring attached?
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