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  1. So just replaced my pcv valve woth the metal one and noticed right next to it is another opening that looks similar to the breather hole near the front of the engine that inserts into intake..what on earth is the third hole for
  2. Ahhh ok that makes more sense :). I think we may of done something like that when retrieving it from the depths of the garage. Thanks heaps. Will take another look at it pain in the ass that damn fuel tank 😂
  3. It reads that its got 200+ when its empty or when I fill halfway it reads full
  4. Hi there all. so we have a terry N/A that we brought back to life and we have done a whole bunch of little upgrades cus why not. now the problem we are having is after all we put in bigger injectors we of course got it tuned and now have a 4bar pressure regulator on it. But…we changed the fuel pump from one out of a turbo series and now our fuel gauge is waaaay off. The pro we spoke to told us something about drilling the return in the tank. Really not to sure what he meant by this as for im not majorly mechanically minded with custom upgraded stuff.
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