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  1. Hey mate it finally got a shop to fix the issue turned out the place that originally tuned the car didn’t tune the box correctly If your still having issues hit up Ryan or Sasha at R&S performance in Melbourne
  2. Hey no not yet iv dropped it off at a shop to hopfully work it out Its been there over a week and haven’t got any feed back on it yet
  3. Iv tried the above and still getting the fault I’m in the process of checking sensors now iv replaced Crank sensor and have both CPS on order which I’ll be able to replace today I’ll let you know if it fixes anything
  4. I’ll have a chat to the tuner and ask what it’s set to I’ll let you know how it goes cheers
  5. Hi All looking for much needed help I have a FG G6ET 2008 I have recently got my car back on the road after building the motor and tuned, iv been to two tuners and they are unable to work it out I had a standard zf6 which lasted about 300km, I then got a built 6R90 which is going well it is still going into limp mode when ever I hit limiter and always throws a code P0219 and then locks into 5th gear until the code is cleared Has anyone experienced this issue and if so what did you do to fix it? cheers in advance If someone has the solution that fixes the issue I will happily buy you a carton
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