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  1. Hey Grudgee Engine light is a problem that sometimes occures after flash tune. If you have a custom tune take it back to your tuner so they can get rid of the light ,if a generic tune then you may have to put up with it. To check if it is in the tune ,flash it back to standard, start the engine and see if the light goes away if it is still there take it to a dealer to check that something is not wrong with your cat. Good luck PS may not start in standard mode with your bigger injectors so go back to the second tune and try
  2. mark61


    speedys look good but I have a problem with their clear coat finnish pealing off after 2 years . they give a 5 year waranty on the finnish that apparently does not cover the clear coat WTF.
  3. I realy think that for the small price of the re tune ,relative to the price of an injury to your motor, better to be safe than sorry. Better still give your respective tuner a call and get their oppinion My 2c Mark
  4. Stickers Where can I tick the sticker box??????????????
  5. Ya wanta hope no cows walk out on to the tracks
  6. Hey Check out the dodgy fiberglass mould work up the side of the lid not a bad looking spoiler if you like the shopping trolley look
  7. Thanks guys You put my mind at rest I will give Con and Jeff a call tomorrow to make sure all is well. Good idea Buf-phoon to mail the box to get it fixed. The tune the boys did is so much fun I thought I wasnt going to be able to drive it over Easter Mark
  8. Yes Nika its a BF unusual that the sensor only picked up an incorect reading today, 3 days after the tune? I gather from your post that it should be fine to drive? I live four and half hours away from tuner and will be a while till I can get back. thanks heaps Mark
  9. Hi I am wary to post this untill I have talked to my tuner but after geting a custom tune done on monday which I have been very happy with so far, and filling up with fuel this afternoon, giving it a blurt at the intersection I noticed the Malfunction indicator lamp "an engine picture in the top left corner of the dash" is constantly on . Reading the Ford manual tells me that the vehicle is no longer operating within emission regulations WTF does this mean??????? Is it safe to drive the car or should I leave it alone untill I can contact my tuner. Is this something to do with the fuel I just filled up with " bad octane levels maybe" Is it something unrelated to the tune altogether? Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks Mark
  10. how did you go zeggie? any luck Mark
  11. try Auto glyn bumper shine . Get it at Autobarn $24 Mark
  12. Hey guys Cant make this weekend but would be definatly keen for the drags at WSID, is it a full meet with top fuel? Maybe we could meet somewhere and all go together, let me know as I have to come from Forster. Looking forward to meeting you all Mark
  13. F6 only have leather console lids and hand brake handle
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