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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam

    My New Book

    Done mate. Will be an interesting read.
  2. Adam

    Newbie :)

    Welcome! Steer clear of anything with a T5 gearbox in it. If you can stretch to a BF with a ZF or T56 you'll be better off IMO.
  3. Thanks also to you Gary. Great effort as always. Sorry I left early, but it was the easiest spot for me to get home from. Gary, work out which sequence you want the explosion in and I'll see what I can do.
  4. I don't believe so. Could be wrong though. Wouldn't be the first time today.
  5. I'd expect that they should be able to do the training too. After all they legitimately brought the software just like the other tuners.
  6. It doesn't go anywhere useful though. Unless you've got an under battery CAI.
  7. You're doing it the hard way!
  8. Just put these in tonight. Heaps brighter than the original globes. Well worth the upgrade IMO.
  9. Better move me to the confirmed list.
  10. There are members here that tune their own cars so it is possible. It will probably cost you more than $220 to get all set up though.
  11. And then they'd claim driver abuse (which is a genuine clause) to get out of the claim all together.
  12. Weather report look better now. Looks like a goer.
  13. This is a great film! I've seen the 2 hour 45 minute version and I could've easily sat there and watched more. A must see!
  14. I think the BF F6 looks good in white. There's a few colours that look good on the F6 but not the XR. Octane is one that springs to mind.
  15. That's from the most recent episode of Top Gear. I think they mentioned it was a new model with a new gearbox. Is that right Brian?
  16. Any person into performance cars should know that colour has nothing to do with how "fast" the car is. White looks fantastic on FG's in my opinion. Even better on the F6.
  17. Will this still be on with the weather forecast? I know the rain scares some people. Mad Max wouldn't be scared though... Just saying.
  18. I don't like her music Pazzo, but you're way off there on the "one hit wonder" comment.
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