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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Yeah, I'm struggling to get a decent shot. I'll keep trying. Matt, do you want that last photo? It's of your car after all. Let me know the size if you want it for a desktop.
  2. Thanks everyone who came today. I hope you all enjoyed the route as much as I did.
  3. I planned to get up at 6:30... Rusty was nice enough to message me at 5:50.
  4. Updated Cruise List... CRUISE LIST: 1. Adam 2. EvilDaifu 3. scottymadf6 4. Tonezxr6t 5. Ant k 6. Rockatansky 7. dre 8. desciple 9. Dagabond 10. Rusty XR6T 11. Dillz 12. quirdan 13. nick d 14. captain 15. k31th 16. Muratori 17. NAKKAS 18. Rudiger 19. shananp Maybes: 1. fpvbf 2. STAINLESS
  5. That's to cover the lunch stop. I didn't want to leave anything out for your precious satnav. I don't think that's the safest place for a group of people to be standing around even though the cars would fit. The truck parking area normally has a lot less trucks in it and visibility is better. We don't want anyone getting run over. I'd suggest people have a enough fuel to get to Glenrowan and then fill up there to get them through the rest of the cruise.
  6. Shouldn't be an issue. We abide by the rules. List is almost up to 20. Let's see if we can get a few more!
  7. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=Unknown+road+to:Wangaratta-Whitefield+Rd+to:-37.0411392,146.1006016+to:-37.0485901,146.0981664+to:Highett+St%2FMidland+Hwy+to:Mansfield-Woods+Point+Rd+to:Pinniger+Rd+to:Goulburn+Valley+Hwy&hl=en&ll=-36.908176,145.729523&spn=1.02121,2.113495&sll=-37.204834,145.443878&sspn=0.031788,0.066047&geocode=FeFGxf0dcMKkCA%3BFVTa0_0dl3m3CA%3BFUr9zv0dvhq6CA%3BFQ3Myv0deVG1CClJQCDadsknazGRBHMOpHkFEw%3BFfKuyv0d9ke1CCnxnImDbsknazEhI44OpHkFEw%3BFXmiyv0dXCG1CA%3BFdoKx_0d4ua1CA%3BFaL9x_0dz7iyCA%3BFW4wyP0dEPuqCA&mra=mi&mrsp=8&sz=15&via=3,4&vpsrc=6&z=10 Bit worried the G6ET will fall behind all the XR's?
  8. Yep. This coming Sunday. I have a Uniden UH720SX-NB. Very happy with it.
  9. Looks like the weather is going to be perfect for this one! Great weather and great roads. What more could you ask for on a cruise?
  10. That's not how a torque converter works. It's a fluid coupling.
  11. Was the boost and timing the same as it always was? It's not uncommon for the PCM to pull timing out over time causing a drop in power. Some cars do it and some don't. My first XR6T was always doing it. My second one doesn't.
  12. A few more pics... This car is in my signature pic too.
  13. Nizpro did exactly the same thing to a customers car. They accepted full responsibility and covered the replacement engine. I believe they even put a higher spec engine in as the replacement.
  14. A ground loop isolator should solve your problem. They look like the unit posted above. There's no whine whatsoever with my iPhone and the Ford AUX kit.
  15. Threads merged. This is the second case I've heard of where rag was left in the engine after valve spring replacement.
  16. Sounds like talk from a man who isn't on the "Maybes" list any more?
  17. 2 more possibilities... Blocked fuel filter. Blocked or broken cat.
  18. N/A cars are more than welcome.
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