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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam

    Road Trip

    So after the 3990km, or whatever it was, did you notice that vibration in the brakes you were talking about getting any worse?
  2. Interesting it's not a XR8 or a T even. At the end of the day it doesn't make it worth anymore because Marcos Ambrose originally owned it, these guys would go through heaps of cars. But hey! So would I if they were being given to me!
  3. That sound about right. Obviously if your using that extra power you have to be using a bit more fuel I would think.
  4. What can I say? Works for me! As for the difference is the gels, I'm not sure but I think the gold class in surpossed to have some form of conditioners for the paint in it. The mit and the gold class wash work very well together, I don't have a single swirl mark anywhere on my ute from cleaning it.
  5. Adam

    XR Fronts

    That's right Glenn, but in this case performance doesn't factor into it because were talking about cars that are not XR's, they just look like XR's.
  6. What the? I was under the impression the speed limiter was at 230kmp/h!
  7. ......Nope! Your gonna have to help me with that one! I'm thinking HoMoCo? Nah, still need help!
  8. Adam

    XR Fronts

    You can get XL's and XLS's with the side style box you know. I have seen actual XR's (not BA's, only AU's) with trays, all you have to do is take off the box and stick a tray on there. If you want to look like an XR you should have bought one! But on the other hand people are putting XR8 bonnets on their XR6T's, it much the same thing in my opinion.
  9. Haven't seen him lately, but he can't hide for ever! I'll be sure to let you guys know!
  10. I hope your comfortable Peter in front of that keyboard....looks like you might be here a while!
  11. You mean those over priced oven mits, where they have one for ever purpose but they are really just the same mit dyed a different colour! Yeah, my mum likes 'em too!
  12. Does anyone actually know if Ford won't replace them, or are you just guessing? If they don't, that stupid!
  13. There's still a few bit's from that XR8 you could you! Did the driver survive?
  14. Yeah!!! I don't think at this stage a road going car is the demographic for this kit!
  15. Adam

    New Turbo

    Well done mate Another happy thread!
  16. Are you still running the ford XR8 filter or have you put in the K&N or something similar?
  17. Then what? Take it all out and put it in the series 2 or leave it for the new owner and start all over again with the series 2?
  18. Revised features on the VYII! What! Where? If they're refering to that strut brace under the bonnet they must be joking! It's been admitted by Expensive Daewoo engineers that the brace is only there to be something new. And mechanically contributes nothing to the handling of the car.
  19. I thought it was "if you drink then drive your a bloody idiot! But if you drink then drive and make it home your a bloody legend!" Just for the record I don't drink and drive nor do I condone it's practice.
  20. Peter it got hard to do that in the West back then 2- 3 months ago your WA dealers sort of were then they wern't, but at least that's all sorted now. Mate the unichip is great but my impatience forced me to go down the mix and match path, and I'm confident that when the FORD SENSORS are sorted out there is no reason why the car shouldn't go hard fast and reliable. You have chosen an excellent WA agent with FORMAZ. Congradulations on the excellent MOTOR article. I know your in business to make a profit (as all business's should), but I think that you and your competition should take a bow for the development work you have both put into these cars Hypnodoc, has it been ruled out that all/some of your problems aren't because of the modifications you are currently carrying out?
  21. Adam

    The Showdown!

    Not to mention your ute, leaf springs and all is actually capable of carrying a load without having to stop at Bob Janes every 10,000km for new rear rubber, even just towing something heavy stuffs em!
  22. Well Falchoon, you just completely buggered up my theory, although this wouldn't suprise me. Back to the unichip, Intercooler, bigger injectors, bigger exhaust, setup it is then. One thing you gotta give the Ford ECU, it has a good brain in it, just uses it the wrong way too often I heard the same thing at the APS info day. And I for one believe what those guys tell us.
  23. Ditto mate! But 5 hours f@ck me!
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