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Everything posted by Adam

  1. It will go into minuses. -3 here at 8:30am this morning.
  2. Hate to tell you this but you've brought a falsely advertised product. The YN-460 isn't compatible with the 600D. You need the YN-460II. Supported models list is at the bottom of this page... http://www.yongnuostore.com/topic-yongnuo-flash-for-canon/
  3. This looks very funny...
  4. That will be because it's their log in name. On the forum you'll see their display name.
  5. Yep. R-SPEC. There was a post in VC about the car being up for sale.
  6. It's certainly very different to other setups I've seen. Keep up the good work! What's tapped into each runner on the exhaust manifold?
  7. Years ago we discussed taking FordXR6Turbo.com to a club level and that type of thing is one of the reasons why we didn't. 300+ would be a logistical nightmare to deal with on a cruise though.
  8. Henz, you're only on 25%. Bit of a way to go yet before you're banned. Hell, even Fluff has more warnings than you.
  9. You can here too. The end will just come around a lot quicker.
  10. I assume you're talking about Pazzo when you say "he"? Pazzo hasn't been banned and he won't be banned while he's behaving himself, which he's managed to do just fine since his last warning. In any case donating to the site doesn't protect you from it's rules. Personally, I don't bother sending a PM after deleting some trivial post. If there's a major clean up of a thread I'll post in the thread so everyone is aware of what has happened and what we expect from people from that point on. I know there's a group that complains about the Mods here, but at the end of the day there's not many people that have gotten in severe trouble. Yes, we delete a few posts here and there and the odd warning gets handed out, but very few people get banned in the scheme of things. The 2 that got banned for street racing talk were give heaps of chances to stop and chose not to. They can't complain about it now. There's other car forums that will ban you straight off the bat. I know people that have been banned from AFF after making one post.
  11. The Mods decide. You guys get 5 chances before you're banned. That's plenty IMO. There are cases where we'll go straight to a ban if the member is a spammer, a duplicate account (the regular account normally gets banned too) or if they've joined up just to stir sh*t. You can apply to have your current warnings reduced 6 months after you received the last warning. Suspensions can be handed out at anytime if a warning isn't considered severe enough.
  12. Banned = Forever. Suspended = A period of time.
  13. No. He's on that last chance now since he's already got 4 (100%) warnings.
  14. Didn't someone mention a crash earlier on? Anyone know what happened?
  15. This is not the OT thread guys. We are so relaxed here it's not funny. You guys get away with pretty much everything other than a handful of things. It could be worse. A lot worse!
  16. You won't get to 10. Get to 5 and that's the end...
  17. Dags likes that post, but he's given you both your warnings. Lol
  18. It's just being displayed differently at the moment. Hopefully that should be fixed soon enough. Pazzo, your warning scale is from 0 to 100% with each warning counting for 25%. Since you were on 100% you've got 4 warning points (4 x 25 = 100). So on the 5th warning you'll be suspended or banned.
  19. Sucks when things go wrong. Glad to hear it's all worked out.
  20. You must have missed the bit where he was banned.
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