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Everything posted by Adam

  1. So... Isn't all that other stuff getting a little ahead of yourself if you haven't even kissed her?
  2. Was thinking about this cruise the other day and realised I've got an RDO on that Friday, so I'm thinking of coming along. Gary, do you know the story with room availability? I'll give them a call if you don't know.
  3. Are you guys going off the temp gauge or an aftermarket oil temp gauge? I've found that the coolant gets up to temp much quicker than the oil.
  4. You don't say! Makes me wonder why N/A engines use 10-40 and the T uses 15-40... Meh, never mind I'm sure you know best.
  5. 100 shots and you still couldn't sight it in?
  6. Nulon 10-40 in 20L drums FTW.
  7. What does the label say?
  8. Adam


    There's some pinned topics in this sub forum... http://www.fordxr6tu...-na-discussion/
  9. Oh, I see. You guys are trying it through Safari. I'm using Tapatalk.
  10. Because that used to launch the app. If you install the new app it will work.
  11. Download the YouTube app. It's heaps better than the one that came with iOS previously.
  12. I believe it only covers his early years. I read the wiki page on him the other night. It's quite interesting.
  13. Never said I wasn't happy with it. It's just not going to revolutionize the sport like some would have you believe. More interest and more manufacturers contributes to securing the sports future. The badge on the front means nothing to me. After all I'm still a Triple 8 fan.
  14. Nothing too exciting. Mercedes or AMG as a company doesn't have any involvement. It's just a Mercedes badged car. They're all going to be rolling on the same control chassis anyway.
  15. That's like an Edit V1 issue. Didn't think that would pop up these days.
  16. The 2 people that got shown the door get a full entitlement like the 4 that volunteered. The apprentices work for the Apprenticeship Factory, so they'll just be relocated.
  17. Reving it in neutral won't show you anything relating to boost. It does sound like a stuffed cat to me. I fixed a mates car once that would not rev passed 3000rpm. It was like it had a limiter. Turned out the cat internals had broken away and turned sideways on the housing practically blocking the exhaust.
  18. Yeah. I'm the team leader so they all turn to me for info. 4 people took voluntary redundancy. 2 people got the rug pulled out from under them. 1 guy got told his current position was gone, but he had the option to take a lower paying position in another area. There's 2 more to go tomorrow, which should've happened today. We think they'll be apprentices. I feel so bad for these kids because we were all told it would be all finished by COB today. We assumed that if we made it out the gate tonight without being notified then we'd be ok. Looks like that may not be the case.
  19. Thanks mate... I survived! It was a terrible thing to watch unfold and I could tell it took a toll on our maintenance manager who had to select the people and then deliver the bad news.
  20. Check with Simon about posting on forums. What you say and do now reflects on him and his business.
  21. I manage quite a few apprentices and have seen many come and go. All the dud kids have one thing in common... Their attitude. Some of them think they know everything. Some of them think they don't have to do much and some of them don't take having a job seriously. Don't get caught up with all the other no hoper trouble makers and do fark all at trade school. Don't try and race through all the work either. Answer the questions and really understand the modules before finishing them. I can't stress how important this is! Any idiot can change oil in an engine and rotate a set of tyres, but diagnosing and repairing faults is what sorts the men out from the boys.
  22. That's who I work for... Until possibly tomorrow.
  23. You'll be waiting until October.
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