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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Wha? Doesn't look any different to me.
  2. You'll find the ZF takes off in 2nd more often than not.
  3. That's the beauty of the vinyl though isn't it. You can just take it off if it looks crap.
  4. The front looks really good. The rear diffuser stands out as being all wrong for me. It doesn't suit the styling of the car IMO. I'd leave the mirrors white too.
  5. Ford US are crowing about how they've massively reduced costs by hiring a heap of minimum wage, untrained staff. They said that some of the new staff didn't even know what tools are required to fit a bolt, so they had to do heaps of workplace training... They must be punching out a quality product now!
  6. http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/9B3A858D-15A0-4572-90BF-3D08214BF7BE/0/VSInumber8Guidetomodificationsformotorvehicles.pdf 13.3.2 Option 2.
  7. You're right about not using the edges of the lens frame due to the smaller sensor. Some lenses are a little softer at wide apertures in the corners and there can be a little vignetting from some also. The sharpness of the edges comes down to the individual lens.
  8. EF and EF-S are only mount designations. As in the way it attaches to the camera body. It's not a measure of quality, even though most EF lenses are better and more expensive, but that's because they're made for the pro grade full frame cameras. EF-S lenses are made for any crop sensor Canon (APS-C). These cameras also have the ability to take EF lenses. Any of the full frame cameras can only take EF lenses. The 10-22mm is an EF-S and it's awesome IMO. Mick, if you buy any of the XXXD or XXD cameras in a kit then you will get EF-S lenses. It's not a bad thing. It just means they're not top shelf items, but you're not looking for top shelf anyway. They'll meet your needs perfectly.
  9. For me good star trails photos need some other element of interest and need to be shot pretty wide to make full use of the rotation. It's a good practice shot of the technique though.
  10. Do you have a multifunction mouse? Assign it some controls. The desktop still works as per normal. Everything doesn't need to be done from the Metro UI. Just click on the desktop tile. If you go to the top RH corner you'll see a fly out of all your open apps. Win8 is really different and when you first use it it just seems really hard, but after a little while it becomes pretty easy. Reminds me of going from a keypad mobile to a touchscreen mobile. I was hopeless with it to begin with. Now it's the other way around. I can't use a keypad phone to save myself.
  11. It's not that hard... Charms menu (Win Key + C), settings, power.
  12. I've had it for a week now. Takes a bit of getting used to, but all in all it's pretty good.
  13. People thinking that really bad photos are amazing!
  14. Total Recall is watchable, but nothing special. Savages is pretty good.
  15. It's not just Dazz. Photos all over the forum that are linked to PhotoBucket are struggling to load.
  16. I've bought a few cars and done deals for a bunch of friends new cars and I've never once used a quote from one dealer against another. Personally I think it's wrong, but then I enjoy the sport of negotiation. Someone will always buy something cheaper than you can. You just need to decide on what you're happy to pay (providing it's realistic) and work to that.
  17. Stopped halfway... Finished... Little rough, but you get the idea.
  18. Suspended... He'll be back in a month. Hats off to him actually... He's the only person EVER to get suspended and admit his mistake and cop it without complaining (to us).
  19. Yeah. I looked through all the C4C ones. The one I used was the best of the bunch. Front 3/4 shot from a higher view point would be ideal.
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