Ok, this is the go... I spoke to Race Brakes Sydney, they told me that the G4 brakes are rubbish. They can do some good cheapish deals on fronts. AP racing 4 spots with two piece rotors 338mm, with lines and pads. $3150 Brembo 4 spots two piece rotors 344mm, lines and pads. $3300 Or PBR 2 spots on 355mm rotors for 1900 The pads are slighty more expensive for the Brembos 295 for the fronts, AP's 225. AP require a 17inch wheel, while the Brembo's need a 18 min and then they might not fit behind the wheels. It depends spoke design. I'm leaning too the AP because they will fit behind my territory rims for track. G4 coilover maybe a goer however I need to look at the tein's or wait for the HSD.... Any thoughts lads?