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About antigravity

  • Birthday 08/05/1983

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    Sunshine Coast!!!! QLD
  1. Happy Birthday antigravity!

  2. Happy Birthday antigravity!

  3. Happy Birthday antigravity!

  4. Happy Birthday antigravity!

  5. Hey guys, Just came across this in another forum... Looks like a pretty sweet alternative to those $300 g-tech meters Not sure if it works just as well, but interesting either way! http://dynolicious.com/index.html
  6. Sounds exactly like what I've got. My car splutters under load, almost sounds like someone spitting water out of their mouth. If its similar to my problem, it won't be your plugs. I've changed my plugs twice, with different gaps, with no difference. I'm almost 100% sure my coils are the problem. Sorry I can't help with the ford sparkplug... They've got some weird part numbers... But you're not the only one with this problem. Its very disheartening. You just wanna give your car the boot, but whenever it does, it just sounds terrible.. :(
  7. I've seen the same thing too. So they can come off. The coils are on properly, because they run fine at stock. It's not spluttering unless under full throttle
  8. Yeah I have flashed my car... But this problem happens with or without my tune loaded... When I lift the rocker cover garnish, no coils are sitting high... I'm thinking they might just be stuffed though, because although it idles fine, under load it splatters. Apparently the coils can arch only under load because of the pressure increase? Does that sound right? I've changed plugs twice now, and the problem is still there, so its nothing to do with them... And I've tightened the hell out of every bolt on my manifold/turbo so there shouldn't be any exhaust leak. I'll get some rubbers, see how that goes. And if its still being a pain, I'll replace the coils (probably due for replacement anyway after 150,000 highway k's)...
  9. Sorry I should have used my last thread. My question this time was whether it would have such an affect on performance. I'm going to replaced the rubbers, but Im just hoping that the performance picks up once that's done... I have updated my plugs. I'm using Falcon LPG plugs, apparently they're good for tuned turbos.
  10. Ahh thanks, didn't know about the white marks... So could this be a reason why my T is a slug?
  11. Hey guys I've got a problem with my coils. I'm not sure if they're stuffed, or whether the fact that 3 of the coils aren't being held down by the rubbers (lost them somehow!) My question, is would either of these things affect 0-100 performance? I've always felt my car was a bit sluggish for some reason... Just did a 0-100 test with my 11psi tune, and one stock tune... and the 11psi was slower! Got 6.4 seconds on stock, and 6.6 on tune... what the? Could this be because of the coils? Cheers Dave
  12. me... lol Nah I'm up for a hoodie whenever. Still gotta get used to this 1mth of cool weather here in QLD...
  13. Its just flowing better mate. You're probably hearing the air throughout the whole system flowing better...
  14. That car is the best of the lot... I was in love with that thing at our Sunny coast cruise.
  15. Count me in too! Hopefully I can bring the missus this time... Although I can just imagine the trouble I'll get into when I get a bit 'spirited'.
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