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  1. Morning fellas, I was hoping to get some input/answers, I'm finally in the home stretch with putting my ba xr6t back together after a couple months work, I've put the top end back on and I'm in the process of putting the air intake on and reinstalling the throttle body. Now when we pulled it appart months ago we were bagging bolts and lableing them in plastic ziplocks so we wouldn't lose them/remember where they go. Or so we thought lol, every thing is here except the 4 corner bolts that mount the throttle body... I've looked locally no one has spare ones available, besides ordering them online we can make the trip to emerald from blackwater and we can get them made to order and they can machine them in house, I was wondering if that would be a suitable replacement and if so I was wondering if anyone here could somehow magically give me the dimensions for the bolt, head and most important the thread pattern?? as we could have the car running this afternoon instead of a few weeks... Thanks in advance!
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