Today I put Penrite 5w-40 and a new ryco Z9 on my 2005 BF XR6T. I initially put 5L in which was roughly the same
amount that I drained out of the car. The dipstick read just below the OK line, I figured it would still be working its way
down into the sump. Gave the exhaust manifold and surround areas a clean with some degreaser where I spilled the oil
and then washed it off with the hose. Fired the car up and started up nice but within 30 seconds it started to run really sh*t
and I thought I could hear a knock so I instantly killed the engine. There was no Oil pressure warning on the dash, I went to repco
before they shut and bought another litre and chucked it in. Now it was sitting in the OK level, I fired it up again and the same thing happened
it ran nicely for about 45 seconds and then it felt like it was misfiring and I could hear a knocking sound of some description coming from the engine
so I shut it off again.
I understand the recommended oil is 15w-40 but I have seen heaps of people on here running 5w with no dramas. Any ideas on what to do next as I am
concerned that I do not want to damage the engine any more than may of already happened.