I can't agree with that. If the same sort of money and promotion was put into production cars, or modified production cars, they would be popular. You can't compare the lacklustre production car series of today, with the V8 circus. Don't forget where the V8's originated, they were production cars, then modified production cars, then 2 makes simply because Expensive Daewoo didn't have anything to compete with the Sierras and Skylines. It's now denegrated into a cookie cutter series so that the two sole competitors don't have to spend too much money developing cars that can be raced, and to stop it being too one sided. The pre V8 racing was extreemly popular, despite a lack of big business support and organisation that exists now. It could also be said that the enormity of the V8 series is out of necesity due to having to attract viewers from a smaller segment of the population. If you want an example of a production based series being sucessful, that's mostly what they do in europe. Sure the cars are heavily modified, but at leased they are built from a production car, running the same engine blocks as what the cars come with. I can't see how expanding the series' appeal by including more manufacturers with cars the public can actually relate to , will do anything more than increase their total audience. They might loose some knuckle draggers, but who cares.