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  1. I'll post latest chart when I get my new scanner. Probably next year. Thanks again Paul..... You da man!!
  2. Edit: There you go mate. Cheers, Adam. ------------------------------------------ Currently running a very whiny T5 Mods as follows CAI SS Throtle body 42lb Green top Injectors PWR Intercooler Valve springs 2 1/2" exhaust. Somewhat restricted cat. Hopefully next week will fit custom 4" dump and cat that will flow. one of Paul@elite's gentle custom tunes to try and keep my gearbox alive
  3. Yes very true Paul, I'm so hoarse I'm even typing quietly unfortunately havn't had to oppertunity to show up any Lions. But the smile still flows. Well it is currently the work ute after all so I get to drive it every day. Will catch up with you soon, JT
  4. jtsblueute

    Dyno Day

    Paul, Congratulations to You, Jo and your band of merry men. I had an awesome day. truth be known it was the first dyno day I have ever attended so book me in for next time. Loads of good folk and it was incredible how everyone kept their composure and remained resposible whilst driving in the surrounding public streets. Great mix of cars. Some Ideas for next time. Close off street or hold across the road on main runway. Jam me and two other fat guys in your back seat of Shane's Behemoth to try and achieve some traction. Jumping castle. I'm sure we could think some hairbrain scheme. Thanks again. Jas
  5. I'm not much of a poster on the site but after I picked up my car from Paul at Elite Auto in Archerfield QLD I had to post something. As well as being a new sponsor to this site and a hell of a nice bloke Paul is a very skilled tuner. I dropped my ute off to get a few things tweaked and came back to a Dyno Dynamics chart showing 310.4 rwkW. Ok so a little more than a tweaking. If any one is interested I'll go into it a little more, but if you really want to know give Paul a call on 07 32742445 or if in Brisbane drop in and see him at 166 Beatty Rd Archerfield. BIG THANKS TO PAUL @ ELITE
  6. Paul at Elite has done some works to my ute and as well as being very competant he is a hell of a nice bloke. I will be heading in very soon to get a tune. I think you should add Elite Auto
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