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13 Good


  • Birthday 19/10/1964

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    stanthorpe wine capital of qld.
  • Member Title
    My new toy

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  1. Happy Birthday GOLDIE!

  2. Happy Birthday GOLDIE!

  3. mind you we still both work 40 to 50 hours a week each. but we also love to travel so we enjoy life now.
  4. We have 2 houses one is the self managed super fund. owned outright by the fund. rented out returning close to 20% on cost of home. The second is rented out and now is repaying its loan at the rate of 1.5 times the monthly repayments. As we don't like either town that they are in we rent a house but have real cheap rent so it is better for us to do that. sounds strange to rent when you own a house but we can get more rent for the house then we have to pay for the one we are in. so basically we have 2 houses that don't cost us a cent. they are more then paying for themselves.
  5. Happy Birthday GOLDIE!

  6. pics soon when we got home it was dark and raining so pics when clean again. still got plenty of rubber on the wheels
  7. we have just got home from Sydney we picked it up Friday and did some touring around down that way Saturday and then the misses drove it home while I drove the truck we got while down there. What can I say only used 6 litres more fuel comimg home then our bf future used to use. Cant believe the great economy we got out of it and the power. when we picked it up the dealer had put 19 inch mags on it. the look great. this was for free.
  8. the boss says no but it will get some stuff. the bling car is in the garage being rebuilt now. a 2000 ford cougar
  9. well it finally had to come I am back in a turbo this time a turbo territory. We pick it up on Friday,2007 black cost 16000 120,000 k's on the clock. Maybe time to do some little mods if misses lets me hahahahhaha
  10. yes the head room in the back is an issue Ian
  11. Hi all some here know me from way back and the car goldie that was a bit of a project hahahahah. Well we have decided to do a new car. we both liked the 2000 model ford cougar. Its is a front wheel drive 2.5 litre v6. we got it cheap. Its black and has the sun roof opition. When we got it home it was in the garage for only 2 hours before the rebiuld and refit started. I completely stripped it and I mean everthing was pulled out of the car. The shell was sent to the panel beater spray painter. this is where the fun started, at some stage it had been in a crash or 3 and instead of pulling panels out or replacing them they just filled them with bog. infact in spots 30 mil of bog. Due to it being hard to get panels here we decided to panel beat these out. to say I am happy is an understatement he has done a great job there is only a little bit of bog in the sill panels about 1 mil thick. This week it should be back all painted in black with red in the clear to show a different hue at different angles. While that was bearing done I have rebiult the motor and of cause covers on it have been color coded to the body. I have also agiurewd many upgrade parts for the usa and europe for it. including braided brake hoses, coil over springs and sleaves for the shocks. To go with that will be new head lining. The motor is biult for low boost turbo;s twin infact but they will not be put on for a little as this is a major operation,only been done once that I can find and parts have to be made for these not off the shelf. the interior will not be standard at all. Gone will be the head unit replaced with a 7 inch touch screen controlling the sound system computer set up. This will drive to high powerd amps and one small amp. these will drive 2 x 12 inch subs, 2 x 8 inch mids, 4 x 6inch component speakers and 2 x by voice channel speakers. Add to that lighting and misc parts and things its going to be a major rebiuld. I will add pics as I go this is the car as we got it this is the inside of the motor I would say no oil change for a few years. testing sound system on the kitchen table
  12. Hahahaha hi guys and tabitha not that old that I couldnt woop your but heheheheh Ian
  13. hi all long time no look thought I would drop by and say hi Ian
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