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  1. Can anyone here please tell me which wires in the top plugs for the ICC are Power, Earth and video? For FGX. I can find details for FG and FG MK11 no problem But cannot find which ones suit my FGX XR6 Ute. Setting up reverse camera.. Thanks in advance.
  2. Not much help guys. A Tuner will know what wastegate percentage = amount of boost. That was the reply I was looking for.
  3. Its an email/generic tune loaded onto my X4.
  4. Have a question for the pro Tuners out there. In my adjustable options ( X4 ) I have - "Turbo Wastegate 40 percent" Currently set at 40 Percent. Not sure what this adjusts exactly. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Yes mate. Tried that first, then sent them an email and was told had to go through Herrod as it is an Australian version. And Herrod cannot help with the Unlocks, only the Married state.
  6. Thanks for the reply. SCT turned me to Herrod because it is an AU model and Herrod say they cannot do anything about the Unlock reset. So as said, Married to Unmarried = no problem. But Unlocks left 0, So = paper weight.
  7. Hi Fellow turbo lovers. Anyone know if Lasernode is still helping out with X4 ?? I can pay to have it unmarried by Herrod Performance but they cannot help if you run out of unlocks !! Which makes it a paper weight. SCT in America seem to be able to help with everthing but not our AU versions. So, I have tried all legit solutions, now I am wanting advice from anyone who can help. Thanks in advance.
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