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  1. Hi all, cant seem to find anything on this maybe haven't looked harder enough, wanting to convert my n/a ba2 xr6 single thermo fan to a dual from another ba, was going to run it off a switch, but have decided to run another two fans off a switch and try keep these ones running by themselves. Any leads on how to do this? Or anyone who has done this able to tell us how you did it? Cheers tia
  2. Cheers mate, took head off turned out was just really bad carbon build up on top of cylinder head and valve seats.
  3. Yep collets were in properly, but found I had the same problem on a few other valves. Rotating the valve when closed seemed to do the trick I guessing there was some carbon build up, I've got some headstuds to go in so I'll give her a clean underneath. Thanks for tips fellas
  4. Hi all again, after looking around online for a couple of hours I'm stuck, Im in the process of replacing my valve stem seals, and after my first replacement seal I can't hold pressure in the cylinder as the valve is letting air through exhaust. Valve guides seem to have very minimal play so I'm not sure. Any ideas? Cheers
  5. Wow 750 to do valve springs, glad I did my own😅
  6. Ah alright might give tms a go, since they're only a 20 minute drive, cheers for that
  7. Yeah that's the aim, I've done everything myself just looking for tuner now.
  8. I could have worded it better, I'm looking for a shop that has tuned falcons before, and are familiar with them.
  9. Would you recommend them? I'm in kapiti and was going to use Tms racing, but have heard bad things about them.
  10. X-xyk

    Oil leak ba xr6t

    Ah cheers mate, will have a look
  11. X-xyk

    Oil leak ba xr6t

    Definitely comes out of top right side on timing cover.
  12. Hi all, had a look around couldn't find anything. After I decided to be silly in my ba xr6t and do a burnout, this was my first one in this car which has me really gutted😅. I've lost oil when the car is running, seems to out sides of rocker cover and possibly top of timing cover. Any ideas if this is more then gaskets at fault? Or have I kicked myself in nads bad lol, tia. Cheers
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