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    Wellington New Zealand
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  1. final update before I move on or add more mods 1000cc injectors walbro pump valve springs 12psi tune 6o' 1.96 1/8 mile 8.14 1/4 mile 12.54 112.63 mph
  2. umm what did you do to it today ? get it dirty ?
  3. hey legends, looking at options for a sh*t light for at the drags to help run more consistent times. I have wired up plenty of sh*tlights before on cars with old school distributer ignitions but have no clue how to hook one up on a BA. looked up holley sniper ones that plug into the OBD11 port but dont know if they will work on a Falcon ? what are others running and how are they hooked up ?
  4. sweet got a pic of what they look like ?
  5. hey guys what is everyone running for front runners ? want to go to a skinny tyre for the drags but what is out there that I can get my hands on BA XR6T ?
  6. how did you get on with the high stall ? mine with stock converter and 300kw runs 12.9
  7. update, due to coivd its been a year but I finally got her back on the track ran 12.9 @ 113mph really happy with that 113mph which really shows it has decent power. 60 foot still taxi slow @ 2.2 but the tune has been done to go gentle on rodney and his sister BTR down low.
  8. yeah not going there with the 200 shot those weak rods are probably only just holding on as it is. and yeah good point at 3000rpm I wont get any traction so 2500 it is. will be interesting to see what difference it makes in the 60 foot.
  9. well puff daddy I do have a 200 shot kit that's on my camaro that I could use
  10. ok before anyone jumps on this. yes simple answer is more power. here's where I am at BA turbo BTR trans 300 rwkw. has run a best of 12.8 qtr mile. thinking I am max KW on the old BTR so not looking to up the power. looking at other options to go a little quicker and with a best 60 foot of 2.2 thinking of going with a high stall. with stock converter wont stall past at best 2000rpm and is leaving on zero boost. would love to hear from others that have fitted a high stall in this situation and the results. only other thing will a 2500 stall be enough or should I opt for a 3000 ? want to try to push for a 12.5 qtr so a few tenth's off the 60 foot and it will run a 12.5.
  11. thanks mate. thought that would be the case but always good to see if anyone has done them and have some tricks
  12. today I failed in my first attempt to fit a sniper big pod swirl pot. pulled old pump and cradle out no problem so far. ok pulled the walbro pump out of cradle yep so far so good looked at sniper cradle ok whats wrong here ? pipes on top to fit fuel lines face side ways instead of to the front of the car. have beer think about it ok dumbass you can simply turn it. now im stuck new unit has them plastic flexable fuel hoses how the I heck do you fit them ? way to tight to push on. help anyone ?
  13. thanks yeah been looking at all options. Been doing this car on a budget for my daughter to race. so far including car purchase I am under 5k and have run a 12.8qtr. being in NZ we dont have the options that you guys have as freight over here on those kits kill it. I will pick up a intercooler over here then look at what options for the rest.
  14. yep that's the plan will probably put something together myself as those kits are pretty farking expensive
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