Spotted a white VZ VY... well V something on Bell st today..... It had fkn Dark Argents on!!! That could possibly wreck the best set of rims goin round, on a fkn holden!!! I have an iphone so it dont zoom or anything plus I probably would have missed it trying to take a pic...
1. Got it sorted 2. Goin out for dinner (crown casino) 3. Should be some at the bar we're goin to 4. Hmmm never really put much thought into pranks and costumes etc.. 5. Everything is pretty much walking/tram/taxi distance from eachother.. A mate is the manager of Dreams Gentlemans club and is hooking us up.. 6. Got it sorted Some good points there mate, cheers..
At the car wash I degrease the engine, close the lid, wash the rest of the car and lastly rinse off the bay.. I've never had a problem doin this to the T, or anyother car I've washed.. Unsure of whats causing the problem, but good luck with it.
Smicky I totally agree.. But theres limited places where all us guys can get in.. Plus a few of the older men are a bit conservative so it cant be all about titties.. Mr Man, paintball is an idea we came up with but after the last time we went the buck aint doin it again hahah... I booked an apartment for about 6 of us at docklands for 2 nights, so that should be sweet, balcony and all..
I've got the Maxxis MAZ1, which replaced cheapos that came with the rims.. The difference is night and day IMO. A good step up, but if your budget is around $400 a corner than u can do better..
Alrite so one of my mates is gettin married at the end of the year, me and a few other mates are organizing his bucks night. Just after a few ideas on what to do.. Its gonna be on a saturday arvo/night in december, has to be something in Melbourne. We have a mate that works at a strip club in the city so that's all taken care of. But we're after some places to go run a muck then eventually eat dinner then hit a pub/bar/lounge to go and have a few drinks before we hit the strippers.. Now theres gonna be 20+ ppl for dinner and drinks which is a sh*t load of GUYS trying to get into anywhere, so if u know anywhere that will have us let me know.. Cheers Guys...
Go to a few shops and ask around and see what the 'experts' say. My mate bought one for around $180 and at work we use non branded ones and I couldnt really tell the difference. The price varies alot depending on length too..
Heres a link to my thread... bit more info
Got mine done at Freeway car audio for $200. The fitted the HU and ipod cable, supplied and installed the facia, and hooked up my amps to the deck (Had it all running of an LC6 previously so not a BIG deal to hook up the amps) I guess you could do the rest and save maybe $100, but JB's quote doesnt sound bad at all..
Sucks dude.. I got epa'd for my exhaust.. Got a letter in the mail telling me to get it tested by this date bla bla bla.. My exhaust is standard so I wasnt worried.. The only thing that pissed me off is I didnt get pulled over or anything, just got a letter in the mail..