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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Speedy and Kaotiks IMO have been dont to death on these cars.. They do look good, but heaps of ppl got em.. your first idea was alright, it was original at least.. Stand out from the crowd a bit mate, if I was in the market for rims that's what I'd be doin.. Theres a big difference in originality and sh*t... Good luck mate..
  2. Anti-climax... I was looking foward to some gory sh*t!!
  3. Yea I agree... everyone driving the new HSV's lately, rain, hail, shine, night and day have theres on.. Audi's are sex so ya cant knock them and the BMW's had the 'angel eyes' before the lot.. Is it cause it comes standard that they can have em, while we can get pinned?
  4. A cat change you could get away with, by taking it easy and not giving it a bootful. The injectors on the otherhand would pump way too much fuel than required and it will run like a pig.. Dunno how much damage it would cause but it cant be good... No you dont HAVE to put a new fuel pump in, but its good as you can run more power safer, they are fairly cheap and if your mechanic mate can install it your laughing... I would go, injectors, pump and tune first up... Doint it in stages like I assume you are is a good way IMO and a BFII is an awsome base to start with..
  5. MiKa

    Ebay Help

    Now the buyer has dissapeared off the face of the earth.. what a surprise, thank f*ck I didnt do anything till I was sure.. What a f*ck around this whole thing has been.. Bloody Nigerians!!
  6. MiKa

    Ebay Help

    Used Iphone 3G, 16GB white, unocked, was bought for $450..
  7. MiKa

    Ebay Help

    Thanks EGO, I found it...
  8. MiKa

    Ebay Help

    I put my Iphone for sale on ebay a few days ago.. An hour after I listed it it was boutght by someone in America.. So I email the person, and turns out this person is actually in Nigeria and wants me to send the phone there.. The buyer really wants to pay via money order/bank transfer... Now I've heard alot about these Nigerian scams and I dont trust them at all, even if this was legit.. My question is, how do I go about cancelling this sale and re-list the add? Cheers Mike..
  9. Loz, how safe is up to your tuner, and your driving style.. If your tuner tunes an agressive tune with high boost, max power and your gonna redline it/ hit the limmiter every chance you get, it would go bang at 300rwkw's.. Best to talk your situation out with your tuner and settle on a number you are both happy with, power v safety.. If I was in your situation id put around happily with a safe 300rwkw's, till I save up the dosh for the build.. Whos tuning it by the way?
  10. I was told not to do it, reason being as said above, excessive wear etc.. If you wanna prolong the life of ya tranny I dont think its wise..
  11. Spotted TRBOBF, a bionic ute with yellow stripes and looked like a monza cooler.. Was on prinny hwy at around 3pm
  12. Kind agree with Dillz.. maybe try a bobtail or lip spoiler...
  13. Take it off and block the holes up mate.. Or better, get your hands on a factory one, just so the cops cant say anything.. Then take it off and block the holes, sounds better and bovs are ghey!!
  14. Shocking ey... I was cruising down stud rd here in Melb, and I noticed a VT SS next to me. He had the missus in the front and a baby in a baby seat at the back.. We catch a red light, him and the missus share a few words, he looks over and gives me a lil nod asking me if I want to race... I decline cause I know its pointless and hes got a BABY in the back seat.. Anyway light goes green and he hammers it through the intersection.. He woulda been around 30 and you'd think would know better..
  15. Ok, the old lady was driving the T.. First mistake, but that's another story... Now the T is fairly lowered and scrapes alot, yesterday the old lady must have been curb happy and scraped one too many curbs, and scrapped the stone guard thing partially off, diddnt realise and kept driving.. The stone guard must have got caught under the wheels or something but it ripped most of it off and broke a few plastic clips? that hold the bumper on to the body.. Whats the $$ damage to replace the plastic part that holds the bumper on... Took a few pics.. The pic where I pulled the bumper out the way, that black bit of plastic with the bolts seems to be missing a chunk... Plus the bumper doesnt fit back in place at all...
  16. Plazmaman is the only I can think of at the moment.. Give there websit a look..
  17. Damn Hayden that F6 has come along way... I still remember it stock haha Awsome work guys..
  18. Putting the battery on the other side sounds like a good idea, but most of the aftermarket coolers use this space to run there cold side pipes, and the battery would get in the way... Rapid has his battery relocation in the boot, and PW has his relocated in the bumper for that same reason I assume.. Nizpro relocates theres to the factory air box location, but that comes with the stage 2 kit $$$, but it does clear the cold side pipes.. For the 'normal' person who wants to keep there car stockish I reckon theres a good market for a kit like that.. I've got a battery tray, battery cables, and airbox ready for the swap, I just need a CAI and I can do it.. The hard part is finding a CAI that will fit as im running a wog cooler, and its tight with the factory cold side pipe and other bits and pieces in the way.. Cheers Mike..
  19. Looks sik dude.. Always wanted to know what those rims would look like on a B series...
  20. My mate has a tree out the front of his place, that if u park it there overnight guaranteed sh*t all over it.. Lernt that lesson the hard way
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