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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Can a locksmith program them if you only have one?? I thought you had to take it to Ford....
  2. sh*t dude bad luck mate, thanks for the heads up.. I've always thought of doin the same thing too, if they were goin in the opp direction that is, might think twice if it ever hapens..
  3. I thought F6's run higher boost than T's??
  4. MiKa

    Victoria Licence

    Does anyone know the procedure how the points come back?? I've heard after 3 yrs it automaticaly goes back to 12? But then again I've heard that it comes back depending on how you lost them.. Anyone know?
  5. Yeah last nite was messed up.. Bob Jane smashed, rims rolling down the hwy, car flipped, flares.. I ain't going anywhere near the hwy for a looong time.. IMO the cops could have handled it better, pretty much waited till the car was flipped before they moved in, the store was smashed, the people blocked off the road, flares etc was all going on, as soon as they moved in everyone scatered, maybe they were waiting for backup I dunno, but the 'rioting' was goin on for ages befory they stepped in..
  6. Anyone headdin out tonite??
  7. What are the chances of gettin more keys to suit the BA's? Once I get mine workin I know a few mates are gonna want one, plus my original is pretty sh*t..
  8. The Nizzy kit IMO is pricey, but you do get what you pay for.. That doesnt just include the bits and pieces, you get it all done drive in drve out, and isnt it also EPA legal too.. How many of us can say that.. If hes got the money then why not, I would...
  9. Wheelspin much on that supra... Bugger me that would be fun..
  10. Mine had a bit of white paint on it too? But it wiped off pretty easily..
  11. Recieved mine today... Hopefully get it working this week sometime..
  12. Needs a retune also after the turbo mods..
  13. So u want to run 2 sets of 6x9's in the rear shelf and 2 subs in the boot? Is there a reason for it? Either way its overkill dude... If you had no subs then get 6x9's cause they give good bass, but since your putting in 2 subs just put some 6", 6.5" or even a direct replacement 5x7.. Get some good components up front and run those off the amp and leave the rears as is (with the better speakers)
  14. Anyone hear that VE GTS 'HRDHIT' I think it is... Sounds sick... Much done to it?
  15. I've sorta got the same setup and mines workin fine...
  16. Cant you charge almost anything thru the ciggy lighter anyway? You can even get those double addaptors for it... But its not a bad idea I supose..
  17. I tried to get my mate to drop one in his lx torana, would have been different to all the Chevs and 308's youd normally see, and cheaper to get power out of, but he is a Expensive Daewoo fan so in went a worked 308...
  18. It hapened to me a while ago when my car was turning off by itself when coming to a stop... Was like WTF the first time, but then got into the habbit of putting it in neutral starting back up, then back into D and drive again.. Was fkn annoying..
  19. Also how much to buy if you wanted to flush the system and put some new stuff in...
  20. MiKa

    Damn Rattle

    Mines gettin a decent rattle these days.. But I think its my exhaust heat shields, sounds like crap and you can really hear it outside the car.. Was in a car park with the worlds biggest speed humps and I scraped every single one, think that's the cause..
  21. 's... When can we be expecting delivery? Funds should have cleared?
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