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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. MiKa

    Super Sexy Cpr

    I just did my first aid about 2 weeks ago... I would rather have watched this all day lol..
  2. MiKa


    Our home phone is with Telstra, havent had any problems.. I install Foxtel, and the people gettin Foxtel thru telstra, their work orders are always wrong, its like the customer signs up with a deal of some sort, telstra muck up the deal, and we end up having to call telstra asking them wtf when trying to install the damn things.. By then telstra need 24hrs to fix orders so the customers have to wait at least 24hrs but its usually a week.. My sis works for Telstra, and can give us good deals, so when my internet contract finishes with netspace, ill look into their bundles... IMO stay away...
  3. The sound is what I noticed more than anything.. Sounds awsome..
  4. TUR-BO6 at least u can beat em all, that must be enjoying lol
  5. Welcome mate... You have an awsome base to start modding from..
  6. MiKa

    Almost Done!

    Love the boot setup dude...
  7. MiKa


    Thx for the info Mick.. Any info on exedy clutches? Any good?
  8. MiKa


    Thanks for the replies guys... Toyota are charging $500+ just on labor to fit either clutch..
  9. My sister owns a Corolla Sportivo 2003 model.. The clutch seems to be on the way out, so she took it to Toyota for a checkup and they reckon it needs a new one.. an OEM replacement cluch is $1700 fitted... A cheaper clutch they said they can put in is about $800 fitted... Are these prices any good? I know more about Toyotas than clutches (so f*ck all really), so if anyone knows a good place to get a good clutch and get it fitted for a good price let me know... She drives like a girl so she wont need a hardcore one, probably an OEM one at a better price I suppose.. I've done a bit of research and have come up with an Exedy TYK-7334 its a OEM replacement, and is about $300, how much should labor be to fit a new clutch? Toyota said they were gonna machine the flywheel, if that helps?? Cheers Mike..
  10. I spotted THRU5T on Lygon st satday nite... Sticks out like dogs balls with the colour haha.. Very clean car mate..
  11. Spotted UFOPSI on the monash a while ago.. Loodek like convo pro's on the front, stockies on the back, mean lookin thing...
  12. Yea I always see it at an RSL? in dandenong.. Hes not that old lol.. Edit: Technically its parked out side the RSL..
  13. Tried to get mine programed at 2 places today, as I only have 1 original, and both places couldnt do it.. They said the machine fails trying to print the flick key.. Im gonna have to give Ford a go..
  14. That Chev looks good...
  15. The best proposition would be to get rid of the restrictive bastard..
  16. Put a aftermarket head unit in, the factory ones are crap!!!
  17. Finally got mine done today at R.A.M Security in Dandenong.. 122 Foster st.. Was recommended to me by another forum member, who had his done there.. Cost $32.50.. Since I only have one original im gonna have to take it to ford to get programed, I've called a few places and they charge as much if not more than ford, so I might aswell go there.. but they couldnt do it today so sometime next week it'll have to be..
  18. Went to an advance screening of Kick-A.s.s last nite... Omg what a good movie.. It's a different type of superhero movie, but in a good way.. It's got heaps of action, a 12yr old girl that swears and cuts bad guys up, it's hillarious, it's got hot chicks, it's got a bit of a love story for the missus and she may tear up in a few places.. HIGHLY recommend it... I've been following this movie for ages and had high expectations and walked out and still loved it.. Only the second movie I've seen where the audience applauded at the end... The first was Avatar..
  19. Where have people got there keys cut? Everywhere I've been cant guarantee there work. They say they can do it but sometimes they can muck it up and cause they cant replace it if they do fudge it im left with a difficuilt decision... Knowing my luck they will fark up..
  20. I've had a failure/sh*t one.. Bought from ebay so may have been a dud.. Started off good for a while, then got real noisy, surged with even just under half a tank in.. Eventually did a few mods and put it on the dyno to check if evrything was running fine, and the engine wasnt gettin the fuel the tune asked.. Bought a new pump from a forum sponsor and is now all sweet, well its now gettin too much fuel midrange so a re-tune is needed, plus the extra mods I initially put on.. Was a Gss 341.. Dont get it off ebay...
  21. FMD, talk about out of the woodwork, sure are a few twin setups out there.. Now whos gonna fin first
  22. I've pretty much got the same mods, but have a custom intake and my zorst is stock.. Obviously I need a cat, but also need the actuator done, I can hear and feel the boost slipping away when I plant it.. Peeks at around 13-14 then just dropps away.. It is hit and miss with the actuator, wish mine was hit..
  23. [quote name='EGOXRT' date='25 March 2010 - 09:42 PM' timestamp='1269517320' post='994814'] Yes they can Mika, they have a tool which lets them clone your original key. [/quote] Interesting.. Ford want $88 to do it, I assume a locksmith is cheaper...
  24. Ill be keepin an eye on this thread mate, always keen to follow a build, wish I could have one of my own though.. Good luck with it.. What are ya plans, building the engine? Power? etc..
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