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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Rapid man, but you can kiss your "stock looking" ambitions goodbye FTW!
  2. MiKa

    Getting 400+

    I seen a Nizzy stage 2 kit push out 370rwkw's, not sure on the exhaust used but add there 4" and it should get u there.. Plus its all epa legal..
  3. FMD I really dont come on here often anymore.... Dillz is a MOD?? As the others have said, I'd restore it and wait till your allowed to drive a performance car and then go out and buy a nice FG when your 21...
  4. MiKa

    Apple Imac

    LOL Smicky... LOL cheap iPAD.. I reckon im gonna give a new HDD a try.. If that doesnt work then a beast it shall be..
  5. I've had wheels powder coated before, and wouldnt do it again.. It adds like a layer of 'powder' which when its finished, makes your wheel nuts hard to get back in. I ended up with scratches all round the wheel nut holes just trying to put the wheels back on.. Also when u end up scraping them its harder to fix than if they were painted..
  6. MiKa

    How Cold Is It

    I was workin in Tassie for 2 months, and that was cold!!! Then come back to Melb, and it was just as bad... But when I went to the Gold coast last week, it was beautiful one day, perfect the next hehee... Cant wait to go back..
  7. MiKa

    Apple Imac

    Damn Zap, where are you shopping? I seen a i7 Quad 2.93, 8Gb RAM, 3Tb HDD, 1Gb graphics, 700watt power supply bla bla bla for $1700 (without a screen, I already have a 22").. Add a 'free' windows 7 copy, and ya got a (overkill) wicked system... Also seen a i7 2.9, 4Gb RAM, 1.5Tb HDD, Blue ray, 512MB graphics, etc.. for $1200, which is more suited for my needs I guess.. These are off a catalog I just got out of the mail hehehe, perfect timing.. I dont really understand what u and smicky are on about with the software bit.. When u buy a PC it comes with software? If your talking about other software like Nero etc.. you can get em the free way..
  8. Loved that game.. I chucked a rb26 in a s15, had a stupid ammount of power and didnt win one race lol... Couldnt get the thing to go straight..
  9. MiKa

    Apple Imac

    Thanks for all the replies guys.. You pro Mac people havent made my decision any easier.. I guess my motivation is more of a want then need, as my PC atm isnt bad, but is gettin slow, I've crammed as much RAM as the thing can take, do all the maintainence, clean it regularly... Will putting a bigger HDD make it run quicker even a bit.. I find when my HDD gets a bit full it slows down, then I delete a whole heap of crap and it helps.. The fan starts goin off its head when I've got more than a few pages goin at the same time lol Its a Pentium 4 3.2ghz, 3.5gig RAM, 160gig HDD, graphics card I dunno (dont play games)..
  10. MiKa

    Apple Imac

    Smicky... I had a chat to my cousin and he uses a mac everyday for work, and he agrees with u.. He said that they are good, but for what I intend to use it for I should stick with a PC, for the money I would spend on a Mac, I could get a wicked PC, seeing as all I would need is a tower... Im still undecided but u both have a good point..
  11. MiKa

    Apple Imac

    Im after a new computer, I've had my fare share of PC's and understand them well, but im wanting an Apple just for something different.. Now, I havent used an apple since primary school and I know alot has changed.. Most of the programs I use there are Mac versions of, so software shouldnt be a problem.. I only really just download movies, email, surf the net and burn cd/dvd's.. Im not into video/music editing etc.. which I know is the reason most people buy a Mac for.. What I wanna know is whats the iMac best suited to me... They can be very pricey so I dont want to spend any more than I need to. Im after the new iMasc's, 27" screen, but am unsure as to what processor to get. My budget is around $2000 give or take a few hundred.. I've done alot of shopping around online, and the prices vary alot.. im tossin up between the i3 3.2ghz dual core, or go the more expensive i5 2.66ghz quad core? Do I need the quad core for what im using it for, then again I dont want it to be outdated, the day I walk out with it.. If anyone has made the switch and can offer any advice I would really appreciate it..
  12. Picked it up sat arvo, and they said in the alignment they did they adjusted the toe, bla bla bla, but said I do need a camber kit to fix up the camber issue.. He couldnt call his supplier but from memory he said it was around $350 fitted.. I did some research on this forum and Senna's mob, sells camber kits for $100, will obviously need 2 kits for both rears.. Im starting to think that its more than just a camber kit though, as the ride is very average... need a goos suspension place to have a look at it. I've been to Pedders for their checkup a while ago and they gave it the all clear??
  13. Nah the tyre wore out till it finally gave up and deflated.. The other rear has the same wear but not as bad... I dun understand??
  14. Dillz, I should have got a pic of the shagged rear, but it was farked on the inside, my cousin got stabbed lol... The drivers side rear was farked but the other wasnt as bad but is headin the same way? Could it be shocks are gone or anything else? The cars not that low...
  15. Dropped the car off to get some new rubber.. asked the guy about camber kits and he didnt seem to think that BA's have em for the rear? He said you can adjust them as is, but as for extra 'shims' or kits he seemed a bit lost... Gettin a wheel alignment anyways... Just what I wanted on my weekend back in Melb, wasting time and money when I could be doing alot of other sh*t!!
  16. sh*t hot mate... Love everything, a hard lid would finish it off..
  17. In need of a camber kit fitted to the rear in Melbourne... Anyone know where and how much, cbf looking for a decent place, would rather recommendations.. Came back from Tassie today, get picked up in the T and 10 mins after being picked up, we get a flat... Take the wheel off and the whole inside is chewed up... Cheers Mike..
  18. MiKa

    Tassie Chat

    I've been workin in Tassie for the past week, back in Melb now but headdin back on Sunday.. Im staying in Scottsdale and OMG what a boring place to be, im in my mid 20's and there is absolutly nuthing to do.. But the scenery driving from Devenport to Scottsdale, Scottsdale to Launceston was friggin awsome, nothin like that in Melb.. Anyway, went to Launceston and that was a bit better... Saw a nice white FGT ute, had rims I think, not much of a car scene, just a few p platers puttin along.. Im wanting to head to Hobart soon for a look see.. any of you guys recommend things to do? Im in a work van, so scenic routes are worthless hehe
  19. Who cares who wins.. what would you rather have.. Awsome vid.. worth the sign up..
  20. The only thing good about 7-11's are the slurpies.. I only fill up at BP and Mobil, if they change the Mobil near my house ima be pissed..
  21. Spotted the HPF TT on the monash...
  22. MiKa


    Yea I know Worm but, lately (few months) its seems slower than normal.. Im still d/l the same series and and the odd movie..
  23. MiKa


    If only I could, I'd start a group buy or something lol.. I've been with Netspace for a while now, and its been up and down in terms of speed.. When I first had it it was fast as, but lately, websites have been fine but downloading torrents have been average.. Also they have had a few dropouts.. When doing research iinet werent available in my area at the time, and a few others didnt have the package I was after, or I never heard of em before.. I figure if I can get a good deal thru Telstra, they practically run telcommunications so they should be the best in terms of speeds and quality? Yes there packaged are sh*t, but being such a superpower in the industry, they have the luxury..
  24. Couldnt agree more Danny.. I'd hate it if my passions and things I do for fun, ever felt like a job.. It'd feel like you never have any time off, working during the week and then working/stressing during your weekend.. Never been anything but happy with your work on my car, not even just the tune but racking your brain too.. I always have a laugh when people say WTF does that sticker say...
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