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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. MiKa

    Saying Hi

    Pics or ban! Oh yea, welcome..
  2. MiKa

    Minor Mods

    You've got a ba, so valve springs will be an issue, might need an actuator/waste gate mod to maintain boost and so it doesn't spike also if your fitting a decent exhaust.. The auto won't last too long with around 300 at the wheels, which you'd prob need to beat an standard FG F6.. It can be done cheap, second hand injectors, gutted cat, monza cooler, but if your valve springs are week and boost can't be controlled well, and then u got to worry bout your auto, then it will add up and not worth it when your gonna get an F6 later on anyway.. How long till you get the F6? I say save for your 'dream' F6, get a tune on the ba, maybe some injectors and be happy with that..
  3. Tuff car dude, turns out it did have potential even if it was a bit of mucking around...
  4. MiKa

    Minor Mods

    Well whatever you get for the BA it'll fit the BF, so don't get a F6 cooler or intake and a 3" exhaust will be a waste of money, trying to sell it later on and upgrading when the bf arrives.. IMO get the good sh*t on it now, or be happy with just a tune on the BA and leave the goodies in the shed, for the bf...
  5. Got mine off eBay too.. Themeshman I think his name was.. He's in melb and fitted mine for me, a long time ago.. Dunno how you'd get hold of him now though..
  6. I'm tuned on bp 98, but I usually put mobil 98 cause it's closer and on my way when goin out.. Also a bit cheaper.. However pretty much all the mobils have changed to 7/11, I'm not too keen to try them out?
  7. I read somewhere that the PW stage 1 was better than the Stage 2, because of the crossflow, much like the Nizzy ones... Dunno where I heard that but.. Backs up our06t's post... I remember my lil wig cooler on back to back runs lol shocking...
  8. Yea dunno bout that.. Maybe wait till they are in stock?
  9. Sounds very interesting.. I'd be keen but as other would like to see how they go over a longer period of time.. Or until you'd sell with a warranty, once your sure they are sweet..
  10. Lol just tell him others have had it done for cheaper, must be sellin a few and thinks he can make a few more $$ off em
  11. I just bought a Nizpro cooler.. Second hand so not expensive and for what I'm running probably overkill hehehe
  12. Not that soon heheh.. Well I should get the cooler either this week or next, I still have to find a under battery intake, but I'm working in Tasmania ATM and can't really do anything to the car for about 2-3 weeks till I get back... It's an aps one..
  13. I've got my battery relocated to the other side.. Bought the kit off another member, it suites a normal battery and it might be for sale soon as I'm upgrading my cooler and have to change my intake setup..
  14. Whats the performance like a not turbo terry on gas??
  15. Nah no pics... I had a look at it before they fitted it and it looked good, it goes under the car out of site so it doesn't look anything special.. Dunno about FG's you'd have to call em.. The guy there has an fgT he said it's got like 350+ rw so he'd have a good idea.. For a cheap mod for a bit of sound go for it... But if your lookin for performance go the dump..
  16. Dandy exhausts in Melb.. Think it was $170 fitted..
  17. With mine they used an off the shelf replacement.. Mandrel bent and I can swap it back whenever I want.. Cost a bit, but it sounds wicked..
  18. MiKa

    New Top Gear Aus

    Yea asif any of us would drive one of them...
  19. I reckon Brad would have a better idea than most on the site mate...
  20. MiKa

    New Top Gear Aus

    I liked it... BUT, when they put the mesh on the car was all good, but then when they drove thru the monkey part and the monkey's raped that car, and the other 2 were like "hahha they are ripping the mesh of hahha" you could clearly see that they later put in nuts or somesh*t to bait the monkeys.. Its these cheap attempts at getting laughs that put me off.. If the other two had pranked the guy driving the mesh car that would have been different... TGUK would have done it as a prank to cap slow and would have been hilarious... The guys need to let the funny come naturally, and this is where 'Kenny' comes in, I thought he was great... Also when they showed us whats coming up in the season, not 1 Ford was to be seen... WTF
  21. MiKa

    Online Car Parts

    One more thing how much will ford stooge me for a new car jack thingy?? Or has anyone got a spare? The bit that unscrews the nuts on mine has sorta flared and doesnt bite the nuts that good anymore... Reading that would be a crack up out of context... LOL I've been to autobarn etc.. but I want something like the factory one..
  22. MiKa

    Online Car Parts

    Thanks guys... Its for a mate, I know where to get my sh*t, my problem is its expensive sh*t lol... Speaking of expensive sh*t, a mate was tellin me the other day that horse manure sells for like $20 a kilo.. its just sh*t FFS!!
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