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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Isnt the first time ive seen that front bar.. Saw it on a yellow or orange T age ago.. Also saw one in real life at Bresciani racing, was with a mate to pick up his VL.. But ye POO!!
  2. MiKa

    New Rotors?

    Had a suspension place sus out whats wrong with it.. Both the front upper and lower control arm bushes and struts are worn.. Could this be the cause of the shudder I'm getting at all? Could it be making a small shudder worse, to what I'm experiencing?
  3. pazzo, the thread is 2 years old.. lol
  4. MiKa

    New Rotors?

    hiddeous, that's pretty much all from the front end, but in the rear I need a new diff bush, and Mick from Pit Lane had a look at the rear supension and saw a few other bushes that need changing also.. Yeah Super pro for sure, ideally I want to Super pro the whole car but my wallet doesnt agree with me.. Paulie, that's exactly what I dont want..
  5. I reckon blacked out everything.. Stealth bomber style..
  6. MiKa

    New Rotors?

    It's a BA and around 150,000kms.. U think the front control arm bushes could be responsible? are they something I can change myself? I've used the DBA and bendix combo for ages with no problem..
  7. MiKa

    New Rotors?

    So machining will fix them? So if I get them machined and better pads it should be ok? I just dont wann go to the hassle of gettin them machined, get the new pads on and end up with the same problem 2 months down the track.. I'd rather do it right the first time.. The rotors were put on by Pit Lane and were fine for ages, but I guess they have gotten crap over time and the shudder is really annoying now.. It happens at higher speed say 80-100kms/h when I brake lightly, if I stomp on it it doesnt shudder it brakes normally.. At lower speend 50-70kms/h they are fine..
  8. MiKa

    New Rotors?

    Got the new rotors put on about 20,000 kms ago, used some cheap pads (usually bendix ultimates) cause I didn't have time to go to the place I get em from and they have buggered the rotors, gettin some nice shudder action.. Will machining my DBA slotted rotors fix the brake shudder I'm getting? Or should I not waste my time and get new rotors? I'm happy with the bendix pads but are there anything else I should try? Cheers Mike..
  9. Whats your budget mate? BA's are friggin old these days and its not just the gbox and engine u need to think about.. My BA has done almost 150,000 kms and the suspension is buggered.. Needs new shocks and bushes and alot of other little things.. I'd spend the bit extra and get a good base (BF 11) and worry about mods later.. You'll thank me in the long run..
  10. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    I love the tray mate, looks wicked..
  11. Hey Matty, I actually left the main cruise early to catch up with mates and was on my way home and stumbled across you guys.. I was prtty wrecked so I went home.. Yeah I heard the THRUST dose too, very impressive..
  12. Sweet ill have to get the handbrake looked at.. Yeah my steerng wheel gets fairly wobbly.. I used cheap pads on my new DBA's and they have rooted the rotors.. Would a machineing fix the rotors or should I just get new rotors? They are maybe 10-20,000kms old..
  13. Personally, id get an auto.. As you said its a daily and you want to take it to the strip, how often are you gonna make the most of the manual and have fun on some twisty roads? Mines a 4sp auto, daily, and when I wanna have a bit of fun I chuck it into sports mode and shift manualy, granted its not as 'fun' as a manual, but its a good compramise.. Autos are also quicker point to point, way bettr in traffic.. Also the 6sp auo is miles ahead of the 4sp that im use to
  14. Thanks mate.. I've seen your car a few times on lygon st can't remember when though but always lookin good and stands out like dogs balls with that colour and plates...
  15. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    Great pics Gary, even though the light was against you..
  16. When I brake from say higer speeds 80-100kms it shudders, if I brake hard from the same speeds it doesnt..Also I've noticed when I drive next to cars and have my windows down I can hear a woosh...woosh.. in time with the wheels spinning. The first issue sounds like brake shudder, but after reading this thread could the wooshing sound be the brakes dragging?
  17. Yeah save for a BF11 with the F6 motor and ZF 6sp auto and your laughing...
  18. Atomic Performance mate.. Probably the best out there, going off what ive read..
  19. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    Awesome cruise Dillz.. My car feels so quick until I cruise with other T's, ya bastards.. Now to spend more money hehe.. Can't wait for the next
  20. Hehe.. your F6 looks mint dude
  21. Spotted a sh*t load of T's near the Zoo??
  22. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    J we jumpin straight on the eastlink and headdin there
  23. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    Frankston JB FTW, Jman... Washed n polished and ready to go... Weather is looking mint too..
  24. MiKa

    Vic Night Cruise 4

    Jman spotted u on punt rd, I was at the lights on toorak rd..
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