I love my 3Gs and cant wait for the iphone 5 to come out. I recently just got myself a new iMac, and using my iphone I can sit on my bed and pretty much use the computer, I can control the computer from pretty much anywhere in the house, for instance I was in the kitchen, had the music blaring on the Mac, the home phone rang, jumped on the iphone and turned it off.. I dont understand why people are saying that the iphones are fragile, ive never heard of anyone cracking a screen after dropping one. Pretty much everyone I know has one too.. A mate threw one at a brick wall and yea that cracked the screen but the phone itself still worked.. I had a battery issue with my 3G iphone, called apple told them about the issue, setup an appointment at my local apple store and walked away with a new phone, no questions asked, there after sales service ive found to be amazing.. The only thing that sh*ts me is the whole syncing to itunes etc..