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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. I reckon I've heard that sound before... I would put my money on the diff... that's what my noise comes from after doing exactly what sinnkexr6t said....(I've done it before)
  2. I always thought that supercharges where the ones to make their power lower in the rev range and turbos more mid to high rpm... Of course it depends what size turbo and to what type charger... but generally its the rule! I know of a car coming out that from the factory with both turbo and charger... and the article said that the carger was for low and turbo up top when the charger ran out of puff..... Matwillow I would seel it and buy a T... as stated above works out best....
  3. Hehehe I think I went to primary school with the guy with the gold T (dandy south) plenty of albanians there hehhe.... So blackthunder $400-450 u say ey.... as I said above Dandy exhaust are gonna do it for $380 (cheapest so far) so I think ill go with them....
  4. Im in dandenong area and would love a ride in a edited T...... any offers???
  5. MiKa

    Buying A Ford

    Each car is diff to the ammount of boost it makes.....U came from a riced up wrx and now u wanna rice up the T by putting a BOV on em... so everone can hear u coming... BTW they come standard with one, maybe not as loud as u had in the rex though ... Stock turbo can handle heaps 300rwkw+.... and boost guages are pretty easy...
  6. Yeah I do... I dont believe I've seen urs though I would have remembered...hhehe I have seen the gold T u speak of... seen him and ypurv4 cruising on friday night.... How much did it cost ya for the springs installed
  7. Also how low will the car be with standard 17's I've only heard from of the boys with 18's and higher saying that bumps aint no probs but with smaller wheels will they be a problem??
  8. So if that is correct than... they guy at tyre factory is saying they are illegal....but every1 has got em and are calling em SSL. I dont really care if they illegal cause a stock looking lowered T wont draw too much attention from the boys in blue...
  9. Ok so theres SL, SSL and now Ultra lows.... Just got off the fone with Dandy Exhaust and they quoted me $380 fitted... cheapest so far...
  10. Hey just got a quote from The Tyre Factory in Dandenong for those of use in VIC.... for $550 fitted... I thought that was a tad high.. Anyway I was told that they were illegal and I had to sign a form for them to fit em... He said the rear ssl springs were illegal but he called them ultra lows instead of ssl... is there a difference cause I have never heard of ultra lows before....
  11. MiKa

    New Rims

    Yeah I saw ypurv4 at Noble park maccas on firday night cruising with another T a gold one I also see around alot with 20's aswell... ypurv4 looks heaps hotter in the flesh... ypurv4 u probably didnt notice the 'STOCK' phantom T ey.... LOL BTW... If u have money to throw around and your still keeping the rims u have now then I think some 'bling' would be good...
  12. I have the same prob... I think it is because my handbrake is rooted(doesnt actually work) and thre car 'leans' on the tranny (my great explanation) I parked on a steep hill the other day(facing down) and when I went to put it in reverse it went clunk... I think u might have the same problem BLN68U... Any ideas how to fix or how much...im outta warranteee
  13. What colour was it? Red by any chance?
  14. Bain that sounds awsome!!! I dont really get what u mean about the whole stainless steel/mild steel thing.... Im guessing to goin the hot dogs to original zorst tell them to use stainless steel...? Instead of using mild steel to join em up? hmmm I think I will invest in some tips to!! I like the look of jimmyxr6T04'z
  15. Yeah hook up the soundclips.... Box hill a lil too far from me I think maybe try the one near me.. How much was it just for the doggs?? Last time I went there for a cat for my VS they seemed to be a bit pricey
  16. Thx champ... FKN hot car just quietly
  17. Ok ppl this info is great now all I need are prices and a location in melb to get it done... Oh and URSLOW do u have any pics?? thx MiKa
  18. I would think it does affect the sound in some way it is a muffler after all but to what extent I dunno... Mine is an auto BTW...
  19. hmmmm I always thought that removing the center muffler didnt actually add or decrease power just helped the exhaust flow better... Im not looking for performance gains that's what the edit is for... im just interested in the sound that comes out the back end
  20. Thx dude will have to make a few calls
  21. Jetute are u in melb?? If so where did u get urs done?
  22. So u reckon just go with the straight thru pipes or dont touch it all together?? I know the stock zorst is capable of some good numbers and does sound awsome for a factory unit but after watchin the vid... it could sound a bit louder... in the cabin I can hardly hear it (stock)... My old car had great zorst and a lumpy ass cam.. and I miss it... altho the little snail under the hood kinda makes up for it...lol
  23. Oh and im in Melb also so a location would be great thanks....
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