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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. MiKa

    Xr6t Wont Start

    Cool thxx every1 Ok I will check but I didnt disconnect the battery just like leaned it out the way but I will check it out
  2. Ok guys I have just bought and fitted new headlight globes the Phillips Blue vision... and fitted the headlights and parkers and Now the car wont start... I didnt disconnect the battery just removed the airbox.... I didnt disconnect anything else!!!! When I turn the key it just clicks and the dash flickers intime with the clicks..... ANY HELP NEEDED.... RACV are on the way but some advice from the ppl driving a T would be great....
  3. How is the sound with the subs facing that way??
  4. Um yeah they do im with them $1500 full comp and im 22
  5. A friend has them on his T but he got em in 18's and they look alrite but urs look 19's so yeah looks hotter.... 18's just dont fill in the big holes....
  6. I would really like to know the answer to this very question too....
  7. Im 22, great driving record, pay $1500 a year full comp with Shannons, Rating 1.... They are the best people to deal with that I have found... the guy remembered my name just by what car I wanted the quote for... The car is stock for now and as for mods they price it as for what type of mod it is eg: An exhaust would be classed as a low level mod and would be priced accordingly but an ECU mod woule be deemed as high so yeah, charge more... But would they really be able to find out if u flashed it?? so that's what im hoping for.... I called up RAVC they wouldnt cover me cause under 25 and driving a T, Just cars wanted $1700
  8. Does anyone have a price for one of these?
  9. Ok update went to JB and Strathfield and altho I said I wont go to them it was mainly because they dont usualy know what im talking about and im not confident with their work (after previous experience) But they actually knew what I was talking about and have done installs on BA's.... all up it will set me back about $200 including line converter.. Now my next question is.... What is a good brand line converter? I never heard of them untill last nite and the one the guy showed me looked cheap n dodgy I dont remember the brand though.....
  10. CAT'z would be a good one... im deciding on guages or a cat so a group buy on cat's would make up my mind
  11. pm sent.... Anymore input is welcome
  12. Hey any advice or input welcome Ok I have an Alpine MRD-M1005 amp, a pair of Type R 12's and a 2.5 Farad capacitor lying around and thought why not give the T a bit more bass.. I have premo sound and was wondering the following Do I just 'unplug' the old amp and sub and plug in the new? If not what needs to be done? A list would be great.... Whats this line converter buisness? Which is the best way to face the subs? Where is the best pace to get all this done in melb? Dont want to go to JB or Strathfield... It all was previously installed by freeway car audio (in the old car) who specialise in high end audio stuff but cost a fortune for installs....
  13. MiKa

    Bmw V 10

    They did a one off X5 with a V10 engine out of their F1 car and it did 0-100 in 4.5 sec... Not bad for a 4WD
  14. MiKa


    I bought mine with the same K's but I dont have leather op premo brakes... and I paid $23.500 So u can do better... with the extra dosh u would be saving u would get better brakes and edit etc...
  15. It doesnt take a powerful car for someone to kill themselves... Its only stupid people not just 'P' platers... If he is gonna do stupid things behind the wheel doesnt matter if hes in a corolla or a T either way hes gonna get hurt... If he buys a corolla as others have suggested he most likely will modd it up... and hurt himself and or others 'testing' out how much faster the pod filter made his corolla go just my 2 cents... Mike
  16. Ok crans sounds good.... So I will still need a dvd player right?... So who did u have install everything? Can like JB or strathfield do the install ? (dont really want them touching my car though...)
  17. Nah shockf6 not really interested in an xbox.. thxx for the offer neway... I dont even use mine as it is plus I was thinkking of putting the dvd player in the glovebox or somewhere else hidden from view that is also easily acessible from the cabin.... I have premium sound (amp, sub, tweeters etc.....) I dont really understand about the colour thing. The icc screen is like blue but when I turn the headlights on for instance it goes almost black... if that makes any sence.. So all I need is a dvd player maybe a converter... correct?? Also how much will this cost...?? Cheers Mike
  18. Ok I believe this has been covered before... but all the threads get a lil too technical for my liking.... So in lamens terms what do I need (if possible) to make my T play DVD's??? ...BTW I have premo sound.... Is it just a matter of buying a dvd player and hooking it up to the screen... I dont want to watch tv just DVD and have mp3'z Cheers Mike
  19. MiKa

    First Mods

    Dude my last car was a VS... It had a large cam, full zorst etc... Basicaly it went heaps harder then stock.... But then I got the T and trust me the performance cannot be compared!!!!! My T is still stock and it still amazes me how quick it is.... Altho as soon as I sell the VS the T will revieve an Edit, cooler, tranny cooler, maybe valve springs if needed and prob CAT fot the mean time... With that power level im guaranteed to sh*t myself every drive hehehe
  20. that's a good price.... I paid $23 500 about a month ago.. It had 64 000 kms on it prem sound and mint cond except for the diff clunk but that's a Ford NCO I believe?
  21. He wants someone to do it on weekends... RACV dont do weekends that's y he is asking.....
  22. that's the vid that made up my mind to get a T.... BLOODY AWSOME.... now I just have to get my car soundin like that ...lol At least the hard part is over
  23. yeah I saw the pics... that's how much I know about these cars lol.... even with pisc I still cant manage to do it lol.... Yeah im up for meeting up.......
  24. So how do ya do this EXACTLY I dunno what anything is..... I dont want to be pullin out the wrong hose and seeing something blow up... What hose do I disconnect? Do I have to block any hoses? Well basically anything.....lol
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