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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Check and re-check all your wiring..... I almost smashed my amps and other stuff just to find out one of the wires from the LLC to rear speaker wires was loose... its always in the last place u look ey..... Apart from that I dunno
  2. I reckon it looks good... something different?
  3. Yea at the start then I took them for a spin and now its the total opposite... and that's with the car stock....Most of the guys have eaten their words... I cant say I have converted them but they have huge respect for em now... Ill be getting edit and cat done soon so that's gonna blow them away....
  4. Expensive Daewoo is paying for my T and for all the mods....LOL
  5. MiKa

    Super Sigma

    Sorry if its a repost but just came across this while browsing the net as you do. 11 sec 376rwhp (282rwkw) Factory M90 Supercharged V6 Sigma on NOS Check out the other vids esp the one at the drags in the top right hand corner. Who would know lining up against that at the lights... LOL http://s125.photobucket.com/albums/p66/v6s...lv?t=1170241030
  6. MiKa

    Power Windows

    Sorry to hijack but I sorta have the same problem... My passenger window is goin up slower than normal and it makes a whiney sorta noise... I think the motor or something is on the way out.... Anyone know whats the deal with it??
  7. I have a stock BA T and the heat playes a major issue in my cars performance during the heat wave here in Melb... Its like u have to 'try' and be quick.. as aposed to a cold night when the car is just lovin it and ya cant help but give in to it.... I dont think its your problem just something to think about. How does your car go at night time or in cooler weather?
  8. ok my coolant aint lookin so green these days and I thought it would be a good time to change the whole coolin system, but dont know how to do it so heres a few questions.... What coolant to use and how much of it? What hoses to disconnect and where? Do I need to run the heater for a while? I have done this on my VS commie and it was a piece of piss but am new to the FORD scene and havent played with one at all... Pix would be awsome!!!! Thx in advance.... Mike
  9. Bump!! I too would like to know the answer....
  10. Well my old man tried WD40 on a small area and it looks 90% normal....so I did the whole damaged area.. still a bit dull compared to normal but ya wouldnt know unless I told ya about it... just looks like the sun damaged it a bit.... A big relief.... DO NOT GET METHO ON your DASH!!!!!
  11. Damn just the news I needed to hear.... How much is a new dash?... will they seperate the bit I need? (if possible) or be dicks and make me buy a whole dash Anyone know any good wreckers in melb? FTG salvage are closed on weekends but I sent them an e-mail with pics... Any others out there in melb?? that are open??
  12. Ok while cleaning my interior I sprayed metho spirits onto the inside of the windscreen instead of onto the cloth then clean the window... anyway the metho has FARKED my dash.... It looks like I threw paint on it. I've tried water, hot water, soapy water... bloody anything I could find but it wont come off.... I think it might have eaten it or something.... Firstly does anyone know how to get it off?? If not how much is the dash piece worth and where do I get one? I hope I dont need a whole new dash!!! I took some pics....
  13. that's the bov return hose and engine breather return... you can get away with a small filter on the rocker cover and if your venting the bov to atmosphere you wont need it either Not my chosen method but I ran it like this for a few weeks... ← Ok maybe some stoopid questions but can I just run the flexi hose without the bov return hose and engine breather return.... basically cause I dont get it... I have seen this on other cars with just a pod hanging from the turbo without the other pipes... or do the T's need these... as I said just had a pod laying around and just want some extra noise.. and after the simplest way to do it thxx Mike
  14. Ok RAP1D do in the pic below do I need to have those other hoses connected to the flxi hose as well?? Ok that didnt work too well.... Its the 4th pic from the left u put up
  15. Ok a few questions here... Do I need to cut anything to get the hose under the headlight round the battery and into the bumper (not in that particular order) or do I just fiddle around with it? Do I secure the pod to anything? RAP1D in your opinion or anyone else with the same setup.. does it work better than the 2nd CAI and standard airbox setup... which I have ATM?
  16. Just wondering the size of the pipe that connects to the turbo from the induction side??? Im thinking of hanging a pod filter off the turbo for some added noise.... I have a pod lying around and thought I might give it a go... If I like it I might eventually put it in the bumper....
  17. MiKa

    Dyno Cost

    I rang up HPF one day and asked how much just for a power run and they told me... $130. I didnt say what car I had... But a while ago now I had a cam and rocker install in my old VS and it was $75...... go figure, maybe cause I had some work dont there. How much profit do these companies make off power runs surely I cant be $130 or even $150 for a 5 minute job???
  18. Sounds like a good solution.... I eventually got it from the fuse box.... The subs sounded sh*te so ima head down another path... Im thinking dvd player with RCA's if that's possible so I can hook up the amps properly, and also watch dvd's through the premium ICC screen... Is there such a dvd player out there to do all these or is this a common feature? Can anyone recomend a DVD player that is capable of this and the output is RGB so I wont need a converter or am I askin for too much from the dvd player??
  19. OMG 'the cost of the car is of no concern' wish I was in your shoes..... Ok heres what u should do by us both an F6 Phoon 6speed auto... ill have a bionic one thxx
  20. Yeah I read that somewhere too... You can add a supercharger to that list also... I reckon its stupid to be able to drive for example a N/A xr6 wich has about 190kw I think and its illegal to drive a supercharged VY for example which has less power around the 170kws I dont care though as im off my P's hahahaha
  21. Thxx Ninka you have cleared it up for me a bit.... Any other suggestions are more than welcome
  22. Hey people can someone advise if it is possible to get the signal/remote from the standard amp?? (Premo sound) If so which wire/colour? If not HOW?? I know ypurv4 has gotten his from the ciggy lighter but I was hoping for something a bit easier as my technical limits are coming nearer Thx in advance Mike..
  23. where u have that arrow pointed.. use a flat head screw driver and open up the fog light and then u have to remove the 2 wires connecting to a metal piece that keeps the globe in place. remove the metal bit and then remove the globe... Reverse the process and u should be ok....
  24. MiKa

    Xr6t Wont Start

    Ok for those of u who wanted pics I finally found a way of getting them off my fone after my USB cable crapped itself... In both the pics I havent changed the fog lights for comparison. (I did both headlights and though SH!T pics!!! so its the best comparo I have) The headlights are the new ones... Heaps better at night and look sweet, none of the yellow that it had with the standard lights... Here they are...
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