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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Yeah looks tuff.... Needs a lowering and some 20's than it'll be HOT!! Oh yea... I hate mud flaps too... hehe
  2. Thx dude..... Its all fixed now.. the pump is fine BTW...
  3. Looking good Phantomxr6... LOVE the color
  4. How much did the bar set u back and where did ya get it from? The front looks tuff as....
  5. I've had my custom tune done by HP-F a few months ago... Mods are just 2nd cai. I cant fault the tune at all... I ended up with only 227rwkw and they told me my valve springs are what are limmiting me atm... then jectors etc..... the list goes on. I have experienced valve float and the ruff idle as symptoms so FOR ME, they were spot on... Michael sorry to hear man... goodluck with whoever tunes your car next...
  6. LOL..... ya gotta feel for Michael ey Fats... I'll guess 257rwkw
  7. Love the wheels dude what are they.....? Oh and good choice on the color too love it... A guy at work gives me sh*t about the color too... It being a girly color... I just say my car has got more balls than him and his car put together (exec VT) LOL.... Oh and VL turbos came out the factory with no BOV and I havent heard anything about turbo failures or damage caused directly because of them running no BOV's
  8. Go the Edit before the exhaust.... Exhaust without edit will cause you to overboost and go limp....pointless really.... Unless you go down the remove middle muffler and get hotdogs then all will be good.. Mike
  9. Ok heres the story... Fin work went to a mates house to pick something up.. car was normal. Chatted to him for a while at his house with the engine running in D foot on brake for approx 5-10 mins. Go to drive off and the steering wheel doesnt want to turn and a loud whining noise from the bonnet. By now im sh*tting myself. Have a look under the bonnet and all appears normal. Call RACV when he arrives its gettin a bit dark by now.. He says its the power steering pump. So I drive it as little as possible, 2 mins to my cousins house (aint leavin my car at my mates house in Doveton after his dads car got stolen a week earlier) On the way to my cousins house the battery light comes on and steering becomes almost impossible.. thought to myself that's wierd. (Alternator not charging battery) So I got it towed in the morning to my mechanic... He opens the bonnet and I see the large pulley thing literally hanging off the little pulley thing (I have pics dont worry) and the belt is loose and all over the place... again I SH*T myself... All could have gone much worse so I consider myself lucky (in a way) Ford stock the small pulley and large pully as spares cost $71 for replacement... Anyone know how this occurs judging by the pics?? IMO the large pulley's teeth that grip the smaller pulley's teeth let go and over time it ground away untill the large pulley was spinning freely on the small pulley which wasnt spining at all...
  10. Fluid level is good and clean....
  11. Ok im stuck at a mates house due to a power steering pump failure... so says the RACV guy... It whines when I rev the car and cant steer it for crap... All I need to know is how much to replace?? Cheers Mike
  12. Good to see another Phantom around here.... Can u really notice a difference with the wheels...?? Could you also get some side-on pics?
  13. Ey Michael... sorry to hear man. It'll all get sorted out soon enough, it'll be worth the wait... I know how u feel... nothing ever just works out for me always takes longer than expected.... Good luck man Mike
  14. If I remember correctly $500+ its not cheap as there is alot of labor involved... but correct me if im wrong... I was quoted $800 sumthing by HP-F supplied and fitted...
  15. Got pulled over by a landcruiser a few years ago.... I overtook them at like 100 in an 80 zone in my sisters camry wagon LOL... They had no clue what speed I was doing just tried to scare me into owning up. It didnt work LOL
  16. Hey Michael.... Good to hear dude... Guess now I dont have a chance in hell in keeping up with you ahhaaha. From what I've seen of your driving style.. I cant imagine u babying it aorund LOL.. Mate 300 atw is looking good to mee.... Good luck mate and u need to take me for a ride on the next cruise.. Mike
  17. I just put in slotted rotors and bendix ultimates and mine squeel also.... I too would like to know why?? They never squeeled when I had the pads in the old car. But then again I didnt have slotted rotors in the old car... Rotors are DBA's btw
  18. Fats u could be right but I will steer clear of all of em... each to their own Spine... ill look into it when I custom install.... San.. nahh its sweet after a fiddle today its gettin better LOL... Finally got some decent BASSSS Mike....
  19. Well... FINALLY... Got the LC6, Mono block amp, 4 channel, Capacitorand 2 Type R subs fitted.....The LC6 lives up to the hype. Well sort of..... The sound is excelent... the most I can put the volume is about 10 on the ICC and then its too loud(for me) maybe im gettin old I dunno... but its SH*T loud.. subs sound as good as off a head unit.. I Still need to fiddle with the settings to find a happy medium between the ICC and LC6. The standard speakers are holding up well suprisingly. But I picked up some Type R 5*7 splits to go up front to combat the subs... Now for the not so great results... This may all be to bad earthing or something any advice welcome on the subject!!... But I asked the installer to just put it in. I want to give a custom install a go myself so all the wires are all over the place. Looks like a train wreck.. Alternator whine decided to show its ugly face (especialy under boost )... Its not too bad though as the LOUD music drowns it out... When u skip a track it sounds like a 'chirp' into the next track but the sound is staticky (if that word exists) Again not too bad just a bit annoying.... I'll get pics up tomorrow if I have time (busy weekend) So to sum it all up DONT GET JB HI-FI to do your work but their prices are good and BUY AN LC6i if u want to retain the factory look to your interior and keep awsome sound quality.... Cheers Mike...
  20. Not enough driving?? We drove to what it seemed as every carpark there was Yeah next time we drive properly.... We really need to organise a route or destination not just making it up as we go
  21. The way I understand the new laws is that its called 'excessive something' so you cant even take off hard at the lights.. One of my mates got done for it. But add the other car as in your situation and that's in another category...'illegal street racing' which will incur a more harsher penalty... I cant remember what my mate copped I think a suspended licence. But that's in VIC... Im not 100% sure BTW cause these laws are different between the states and can be interpreted differently.... But good luck anyway.... to me also seems sus the way its being handled... Hope it all goes well... Mike
  22. My mate at work had some work done to it by Bresciani... He is now running around 180rwkw.... Its slammed on its arse and it struggles to get traction mind you his wheels arent the best... He took me for a spin and it did go well... Another guy from work just had his fully rebuild and it makes 245rwkw @ 6psi.... its an animal!!!
  23. Sounded TUFF RAP1D... Nice pipework too BTW....
  24. What a sight and sound last night would have been to other drivers as up to 12 turbo falcons scream and fluttered past LOL.... Even I had a warm fuzzy feeling and I was apart of it.... For those of u who couldnt come u missed out... Wish my car was a bit faster now though..... Good Nite Mike....
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