Well... FINALLY... Got the LC6, Mono block amp, 4 channel, Capacitorand 2 Type R subs fitted.....The LC6 lives up to the hype. Well sort of..... The sound is excelent... the most I can put the volume is about 10 on the ICC and then its too loud(for me) maybe im gettin old I dunno... but its SH*T loud.. subs sound as good as off a head unit.. I Still need to fiddle with the settings to find a happy medium between the ICC and LC6. The standard speakers are holding up well suprisingly. But I picked up some Type R 5*7 splits to go up front to combat the subs... Now for the not so great results... This may all be to bad earthing or something any advice welcome on the subject!!... But I asked the installer to just put it in. I want to give a custom install a go myself so all the wires are all over the place. Looks like a train wreck.. Alternator whine decided to show its ugly face (especialy under boost )... Its not too bad though as the LOUD music drowns it out... When u skip a track it sounds like a 'chirp' into the next track but the sound is staticky (if that word exists) Again not too bad just a bit annoying.... I'll get pics up tomorrow if I have time (busy weekend) So to sum it all up DONT GET JB HI-FI to do your work but their prices are good and BUY AN LC6i if u want to retain the factory look to your interior and keep awsome sound quality.... Cheers Mike...