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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. That was a great help... It clears it up for me, now I understand. Will get it looked at soon.. im due for a service soon so ALL will be checked... Any GOOD places for a service anyone??
  2. I cant view pdf's.... anyother way I can view it? Ok finally got off my A** and am gettin adobe acrobat so all good...
  3. Could u or someone explain this... I understand y u would say its the handbrake, because the noise happens in a revolutionary manner (wheels spinning) hence the handbrake.If its the handbrake it should occur all the time, I dont hear it driving normally, I only hear the noise when accelerating hard and on boost. Just seems logical to think boost leak as its an air type sound not really a rubbing sound. bluprinturbo Im not, not agreeing with u as I dont have a clue and its something ill definately look into. Has this happend to you? How much to get fixed? What do I tell the mechanic to look for? Thx Mike...
  4. Where do we get these guages from??
  5. So have these guages arrived yet???... they look awsome!!!
  6. Hmm I will be checking all the things mentioned... I had the handbrake adjusted at the last service and its been....... well..... actually working so I dont think its that.. Good info guys... Mike...
  7. I dont think its induction noise..... sound asif its coming from the turbo side... maybe just because im in the drivers seat and like through that window is the first place I can hear it from? I dunno.... The sound occurs with a revolution so imagine a lump on your tyre. It starts off slow but as your speed increases it gets faster and faster. So its an on off sound that gets faster and faster as boost climbs.... It is fairly loud too... louder than any noise my car can make ie: zorst, flutter even stereo depending on the volume.... Any other ideas... I guess checking all the hoses would be the first place to start? Will I be able to see if my turbo is damaged if I take off all the piping? Thx for all the info guys Mike....
  8. Nah the car still goes like it should.... It started after I got the edit.. Like a while after the edit...... didnt notice it driving away from HP-F so iks not that.... I should put the standard tune in and see what hapens... but yeah at 5-6psi I dont think ill notice it if its a leak...
  9. Ok I've noticed it for a while sometimes more than others, but really noticed it on a drive to Phillip Island on the weekend... When I put the foot down the car makes a noise and it gets faster and faster... starts off slow then as boost rises it gets quicker and quicker... It like goes with the revolution of something... The sound is of like air escaping... ok it goes something like this... Shhh.............shhh.........shhh.......shhh....shhh...shhh..shhh.shhh.shhh.shhh.shhh. I havent had time to look at anything under the bonnet as of yet but just after someone to point me in the right direction. Im thinking boost leak somewhere but yeah not sure. Could my turbo be farked.. with all these turbo failures im worried... Thanks in advance Mike..
  10. So gettin ASL to do the rca's the sound quality wont be as good as a normal head unit? If that's the case I reckon ill maybe just fit an aftermarket head unit (mmm mp3's), or go the dvd player. Either way I wanna get rid of the LC6, tuning that thing is a bi*ch, that fine line u spoke of is very fine indeed and did I mention the wiring I dont really plan on doing it anytime soon though... the car is on hold for a while and when I do come back to it I think ill go performance mods...LOL. All in due time I guess... they way it sounds now I can live with it for a while.. Mike..
  11. Hey bdazla did u attend a cruise a few months ago.... driving a phoon... I think I remember the name cause their your plates correct? Anyway the LC6i is attatched to the rear on the rear seats facing out the boot... I've decided to get ASL to add RCA's to my ICC and get rid of the LC6... It costs as much as the LC6 and that's fitted too! Then im gonna tidy up the install.. and if I still have whine ill get that sorted aswell... Mike...
  12. Had a run last night (private road of course) Was at the lights and a VX Spac, dunno if was charged but had a mighty loud zorst pulled up next to me... Didnt want to waste my time with it but... the lights go green I take off normal, he launches. Was in manual mode so I was still in first so I floor it too.. Flew past him like he was still had about 10 car lengths on him... My mates were like 'where'd he go'
  13. From what I've read.... no. I have 2 amps atm a 4 channel and a monoblock running evrything in my car. I've used a AudioControl LC6i which is basically a very good line level converter that allows ya to hook up pretty much whatever u want... It works very well but very messy in wiring terms... If u looked in my boot you'd think I was a sparky
  14. Here are mine LYKMYK..... 'Like Mike'... Ya know 'everybody wants to be like mike' Oh well...... I am, well sort of still a basketball fan and Jordan being the best of course..... My name is Michael which helps also... Yes many people think its 'lick my kock'.... So in a way its a win win
  15. You two guys are INSANE!!!! (Billsta & F6 RAPID) I have like half the power of u guys and I think my car is quick! LOL.... I cant even begin to imagine what 400+ rwkw's feels like, I just imagine skating down the road without any knowlege of what traction is... If u asked me if I had the money would I do the same? HELL YEAHHH.... Good onya guys keep the stories coming... Mike..
  16. Well done Billsta.. comin from a Expensive Daewoo myself to a T I know how much better these FORDS are..... One thing I want to know... where are these 'private roads'.... you speak of?? hahhaha I would love one in Melb... Mike..
  17. MiKa


    Peter has the best power by far... Silar has to kill em to get their power..
  18. BFHOON wouldnt the CAT be a major restriction at 270-280rwkw?? I'd say get both.....
  19. MiKa


    Hope so...... LOL
  20. MiKa


    Yeah she is pretty hot..... Download the episodes if ya cant wait... Im waiting for season 2 to start showin in the USA wont be till later in the year or early next....
  21. IMO u bought the wrong car to be worried about your fuel usage... From what I've read your usage is normal... These cars are heavy and powerful.. not the right combination for great fuel economy.... When I first bought mine I was given it heaps.. I was gettin 17L/100k's.. Now edited and over the 'power' (not flooring it everywhere) I'm gettin high 14L/100k's wich I think is sweet... My friend in his supercharged VY calais is gettin 16L/100k's he babies it around and has about half the power I have... go figure!
  22. Mine need replacing and im only at 227rwkw.... They all differ...
  23. At my last service Ultra Tune Dandenong (dont go there) Told me that the 90K service was a major one... Didnt bother to ask why as I wasnt there for that...
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