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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. that's what I thought when I first got em... I thought you had to take the badge off, peel the 'ford' bit off and put these in its place, stick it back on so it would be like factory. These look good though...
  2. All those mods and asking if 25-27k is fair.... I would def be asking high 20's low 30's.... But a car is only worth what someone is willing to pay... I bought mine stock for 23K... I wish I waited till I knew about this site and did more research Could have got a monster like yours hiddeous for a good price.... Ohh well..
  3. MiKa

    New Key

    Thx Zap.... so basically alot of mucking around.... Anyone know a place to get the key cut in Melb S.E suburbs? that's about the only thing I miss about my Holden..(did I just write that?).... the key is all in one, remote and key, less to carry in the pocket, and its around $75. Oh and the auto off headlights when ya open the doors... Ohh well the T makes up in everything that 'really' matters mwahahaha.... Mike...
  4. MiKa

    New Key

    Just a quick one guys..... How much is a new key for the T? With remote and everything.... lost the spare!
  5. Ok all done... Took about 10 mins start to finish thx to SV300 and Toxi's advice..... The rear went straight on first time. The front was a bit fiddley took about 5 attempts... Look pretty good at this time of night with my crappy garage light, so pics are gonna have to wait till tomorrow... Cheers Mike
  6. Ok I might need to be a bit more specific hehehe how do I get the badges off.... may sound stupid but I've never attempted anything like this before... Do they stick on the top of the original badge? Like I dont remove the bagdes at all? Thx Mike
  7. Just recieved mine today.... Thx SV300!! But how do I put them on? LOL..... They look awsome!! Any help welcome... I'll go take a look and try to sus it out myself... Cheers Mike...
  8. Yeah as far away from Noble as possible ey....... No worries Mick ill take u up on that offer... I cant wait till summer hehhee Mike...
  9. Yeah when I put the 2 subs 2 amps in the car it felt like I had 2 people in the back seat.. I was shocked at how heavy those things really are and what a difference it makes. Mind you it took 2 people to put the sub box in the boot hahaha... I just cant live without BASS... I agree with RAP1D.... get more kw's hehhee Mike...
  10. The damn holdens have them.... When I was looking to buy one (What was I thinking) I think a VY or VZ Spac had it.....
  11. So when and where is the place to be these days?.... Noble Macca's hate it as much as u want was one of the best places to go and have a bit of fun (before the mayhem LOL) Had a little run in with a P plater and his SS today.... I had to show him that his SS needs a few more mods hahaha Cheers Mike..
  12. Was in the city criusing around and ended up at Chapel St (as ya do) and saw HEAPS of T's and phoons... There was a Rapid T it was farken mint... dual exhaust outlets, dumped aftermarket cooler and rims.. Credit to the owner. Cant wait for summer.. winter sucks if u like your car... no point in washing it, will get dirty that night or the next day due to the rain... Plus the streets are dead these days.. Enough of my rant... Cheers Mike...
  13. There is a thread somewhere talking that exact same thing... At what rwkw is too much for the street. If I remember right I think a few of the boys with 400-500+ rwkw were saying that about 350rwkw is the limit for the street, otherwise stuff like TRACTION become real issues. The boys driving autos with big power drive in manual mode to avoid kick down when accelerating, cause I can just imagine how exciting that would be when not expecting it.... Street driven also means 'in the wet' 700rwkw in the wet in any car is just stupid imo... I have trouble in my car in the wet and im no where near 300rwkw. I agree with Michael (ypurv4) set urself some mini goals along the way... say conversion, then 300rwkw, bottom end, 400rwkw, turbo etc.... Cheers Mike...
  14. Hey Brian..... Firstly good to hear you all walked away from the accident. Your car was the reason I bought mine hehhe... I was a total Expensive Daewoo fan and then one day on youtube I came across this vid of an xr6t and I was gobsmacked!! It was the best sounding thing I've ever heard... Zorst, turbo spooling and chirping into gears I never thought a 'ford' could sound that good.... so in an attempt to copy I bought one hahahaa... I still got a looooooooooooong way to go though... Bring on a 9sec F6 Terry I say... Good luck mate. Mike...
  15. If its an MK1 than u should be also looking into some Valve Springs... that's whats holding me back and I only have 227rwkw after a custom tune.... Cheers Mike..
  16. Does it connect to the standard cooler or do u have an aftermarket cooler. I think its a great option if not chasing big power. Otherwise a PW Stage 2 is the answer I reckon.
  17. Thanks for the comments guys.... When the wheels came on (Monday) I straight away felt the steering was smoother dunno why but yeah. The next day (Tuesday) I lowered the car and it felt smoother again, only the major bumps are a bit of a worry but on the same roads it didnt feel any worse than stock suspension. To top it all off on Wednesday I had it serviced and OMG is it smooth now...... That castrol Edge stuff is gold a bit $$ but worth it. I cant even tell what speeds im doin just by the feel of the car. The whole rim,lowering and service that I done, is almost as good as the edit IMO, transformed the car. Again.
  18. A mate suggested that my speedo might be out after fitting the wheels..... any truth??
  19. Do you have his contact details? Dont worry I asked my friend Google... I'll give him a buzz tomorrow.... will be a fair drive though, other side of the city.... Will be worth it though
  20. I called hp-f but they cant do it this week.... they quoted me $110 to fit them....So its $110 for anyone wanting to fit them for me...... I would love to get them done Monday coming cause my holidays fin Cheers Mike
  21. Dont you worry the spoiler is coming off very soon.. im with you on this I dont like em... gonna debadge also hehee I was also a dish fan... but as u say they look nice Nah no dish for these... they come in 20's though hehee Thx for the input blokes Mike...
  22. Yeah that's kida also why I got them... I've never seen a car with them on also. XF Falcon ill get some up in a week or so... Thanks for all ya comments guys. Mike.
  23. they called ANZ 5 x 5's.... they also come in black but I reckon the gun metal grey suited the car better...
  24. Ok I thought I'd start a new topic rather than continue my old one as I have actually got the wheels now.... Yeah ended up goin the 19's on Monday, cant remember exactly what tyres I got but they're better than the almost bald old ones I had on the standard wheels.... The car looked like a 4WD so I got it lowered today.... once the springs settle it should drop a bit more so it should be perfect I reckon... By the way im running sl fronts and ssl rears. So what ya'll think? Heres a pic...
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