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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Wish I could make it..... but free piss at the work break up is better... Catch up next time
  2. HAHA bigger collection than mine.... I have a pic of Robbins T and an engine pic of a guy with a orange ute, had a plazmaman plenum and sick rocker cover... He parked next to me, we chatted, but I forgot his name....LOL
  3. Ebay is your friend just search 'xr6 turbo'... or maybe in the 'for sale' section on the forum
  4. MiKa

    Hangover Cures

    WATER before bed... best advice given to me.....
  5. If its all you can afford than the F6 cooler will do fine, its better than a stock cooler, but not better than a 'wog' cooler. The plaz and PW gear are SH*T loads better than all three. I only want around 280-300rwkw's, so I got a 'wog' cooler they go pretty cheap around $350 or so. I also got an UBP, cause the stock one is a major restriction.. They also do the job fairly well at those power levels... If you want big rwkw's in the future that get all the good sh*t now, if not than save up.... Look at the big picture, no point buying 'alright' stuff now and then selling it later, possibly loosing money just to buy the one you should have... If I was you I would be looking at Rapid Systems.... IMO best bang for your buck and can handle big rwkw's for later on My 2c.... Mike
  6. I wouldnt touch it, looks MAD as it is..... But if I was that bored I would do what king_turbo said.... number 2 really sucks... and number one has already been done by a guy on the crissy cruise. They guy with 20's on the front and 22's on the rear, sure his car was orange but it was blood orange I think, so close enough to red IMO...
  7. That looks SH*T HOT.... well done, it only gets better.....
  8. Needed more pics of the Phantom T...... LOL. Top pics Gary
  9. Was waiting for someone to post that up... LOL Awsome turn out I must admit... Alot of TUFF cars, perfect weather but F*CK those fly's.. Cheers Mike....
  10. For some reason I vant see it but I think its the same vid I posted up in the 'best of youtube' thread... Still an awsome vid, everytime I watch it it brings a smile to my face LOL
  11. Those are the ones I just got.... I asked them about the springs, and they said that they are the exact same ones from Nizpro, they just buy them off Nizpro, and sell cheaper.. On the site it says $289, it has gone up cause I paid $269 about 3 weeks ago, also when I got mine they had none in stock so when I paid my express post, I had to wait a week extra to get them anyway... By the way I havent had em fitted yet. Mike..
  12. I'll just post up the link........ Phoon VS R8... h54MKkxX1qQ
  13. This cruise is gonna be the biggest I've been on.... well, ever (if everyone turns up) Is there seriously gonna be enough parking etc..... Either way should be a good day...
  14. I reckon the third one, the one on the right...
  15. A new guy at work reckons his uncles Tornado, pulls 350rwkw's with only an exhaust and a 'black box' near the computer...
  16. [quote name='toxicf6' post='603044' date='Dec 1 2007, 05:39 PM']lol hey its got fck all to do with this post but how was the dyno day wot was the biggest number in the 6 forced induction class?[/quote] I was meant to meet Danny at the Dyno day to pick them up but, when i rocked up everyone was leaving... One of the Nizpro guys told me the computer had shat itself. So i dunno if anyone got a run or not....
  17. Picked mine up today...... Danny's not busy hes just mucking around in his garage with his new toys hehehehe... Thx again champ.. Mike...
  18. Im in Carrum Downs..... Not many T's round ere pretty borin actually.... Hey to whom ever is goin on prinny tonite, if you see a white VZ Calais, slammed on 20" VE GTS's, be sure to smash him for me (as in beating him in a race) hahahaha, dont worry he's stock apart from a cat back zorst.... I work with him and he 'claims' to have beaten me, altho we never raced...... Be careful of his other mates cruisin, they have some weapons.....
  19. The one friday im not going.... Hey SDWAYZ... Your around the Frankston area? I think I may have seen you around...
  20. Hey all the guys picking them up we should all go at the same time... would be funny. Plus i wanna check out some of the T's that'll be there....
  21. I have the Ozegauges, and I dont find them too bright at night.... Perfect I reckon...
  22. I live not far from Frankston... I have a phantom T, but it wasnt me......
  23. Yeah man... Last week was awsome, hoping for the same tonite. Maybe see ya there.... My moneys on your T5 to go first..... hehhee
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