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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Ohh sweet so its a straight bolt off bolt on thing? Im assuming that the BA dump has a sensor in it aswell?
  2. What do I need to do to fit the dump on? I read that the bf dump has 2 o2 sensors?? Is it just a matter or welding up one of the holes?? If so which one? Anything else I should know about? Cheers Mike
  3. Condenser?? Radiator maybe? How hard/easy is it to fit between the wog cooler and condeser
  4. hanra, I stumbled across you posts on the search, but the pics werent working... thanks for fixing them up... You dont happen to be in melbourne do you? Could use your help in fitting one of these...
  5. There was a sedan on prinny hwy a while ago.....if a stock T can keep up with one than my 'high powered edited T' should beat one...LOL
  6. Pics of hiddeous' setup... Hope he doesnt mind..
  7. I dont plan on putting another guage in the cabin, and I am only genuinely concerned enuf to put a tranny cooler on.. Im just after some ideas on what other people have fitted so as I have a rough idea on what to get and a rough size of what im able to fit.. I just saw that I spelt transmission wrong so the search had alot more answers this time round.. I like hiddeous' setup with the cooler mounted infront of the drivers wheel.. Now just need to find a cooler that will fit that position.. I think the PWR cooler I linked up in a previous post would fit.. But I think he fabbed up his own mounts so that's gonna be a pain... I think the majority of people are running the tranny cooler on its own without the radiator one, so im gonna head down that path to.. Anymore options on coolers guys??
  8. Who me?? Nah I love em on GT's and the like but on a T! they seem out of place without the fpv bodykits IMO
  9. Is it this one? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/automatic-transmiss...1QQcmdZViewItem This one says its for our cars so.....
  10. What ya think on this one http://cgi.ebay.com.au/true-COOL-HEAVY-DUTY...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. Ok im gonna up the power fairly soon and thought I'd invest in a tranny cooler for the 4sp, what I wanna know is, What brand to get? I've heard B&M are the best brand but they dont come with lines, and are expensive. Seen a PWR one on Ebay, it measures 280x200x19 for $130... Is that big enough? What size do you have? Where did you get it from? How much was it? Where is the best place to mount it? I will have a wog cooler. BTW tried the search but it only came up with tranny coolers for a 6sp auto Cheers Mike
  12. Seen that car on prinny hwy a while ago in dandy
  13. That Supra on boost made that Lambo look like it was parked.... Sheeeeshhh that was quick... Can any T or F6 on here or anywhere be able to beat that??
  14. I hope the 12psi tune is actually tuned to run the injectors, and not just a generics or something.. Are you running custom tunes?
  15. They pissed me off for about a week trying to hook up my LC6...
  16. Got any more pic's?? Underbonnet??
  17. My mate has munched 2 gearbox's in his Wrx... Had the first one rebuilt, it crapped itself again now hes got something stronger in there...
  18. I wouldnt take any chances with all the gear you've got... If you were changing just the cooler to say a wog cooler and stock piping I'd say go for it, but you're removing all the restrictions, so overboost city here you come... I'd hate for your near new F6 blowing something
  19. I used wax/grease remover a wire brush and some soapy water...
  20. Yeah Eli or Ali is his name, while I was talkin to him 2 guys rocked up with problems with installs from him.. On guy in a pretty hot WRX his aftermarket alarm kept goin off, and another guy's stereo kept cutting out., he was almost fin mine at the time so I couldnt back out... I had an LC6 installed with 2 type r subs, 2 amps and a capacitor fitted... He messed with all settings, and at the time with the volume on 3 you could barely have a convo with the person next to you.. Personally I wouldnt go there for installs, but they are cheap!
  21. I did mine a while ago, while a mate polished the paintwork.. Its a fairly time consuming job, with all the cleaning and time between coates.. The results are awsome though, I love em.. The car is Phantom purple BTW...
  22. Seen that around Dandy... Sweet looking car... Totally agree on the more Ford presence...
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