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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. MiKa

    Vic - Night Cruise

    Someone bring along a Video camera too... Would be awsome viewing..
  2. Same here... Was a die hard Expensive Daewoo fan, untill I got off my P's and decided to go for a V8 VYSS.... Took one for a spin and basically I didnt know I was driving a V8. It was gutless untill giving it WOT and didnt even sound anywhere near like a V8.. Took the T for a spin.. instant smile on the face at 2000rpm till wherever the red line is. Put a deposit that day.. Dont even need WOT anymore just torque..
  3. MiKa

    Vic - Night Cruise

    Ill probably have Grimus's less powerful brother out too..
  4. I was quoted $180 here in Melb.... Dunno about the bends though..
  5. Sorry to hijack but it may be helpful to you.. I have a walbro intank (sedan) and im thinking of upgrading it... The other day in 40deg heat it was whining like a mofo.. I gave the loud pedal a push to overtake a car and the car spluttered, lost power and made a pop noise.. I read somewhere that its the pumps fault.. The guy had a stock pump though and was having the same problem, I've got a walbro!! Apart from that day the pump hasnt missed a beat, apart from the surging under 1/4 tank that is.. What other intank options do I have, better than the Walbro?
  6. So what are the chances of you coming to melb to do mine?? LOL Good work mate I wish I was as brave as you...
  7. MiKa

    Parts In Vic

    All those ecu covers etc are easily got off ebay... all the other stuff, site sponsors mate, just make sure they have everything in stock...
  8. MiKa

    V8 Regrets

    My mate is in love with V8's and always wanted one... Why I dont know... He traded his TRX for a wh stato 5.7 and 6 months later its still stock, doesnt sound like a v8 and the thing is so heavy it doesnt go like a v8... Why has he always wanted a v8 you might ask? Cause "Its a V8" But I always manage to scare him in "my 6 cylinder"
  9. Saw a few T's last night and phoons... and maybe an R-spec or 2 they were hanging across the road from noble maccas.. Saw Jimmy with his 300+rwkw beast, damn he was haullin ass...
  10. This exact same thing happend to me yesterday... In Melb yesterday it was around 40deg. I was driving for about 3hrs straight alot of it stop start.. Anyway I have a walbro intank and it was whining like never before, it was really loud.. On the way home I was in a closing lane and needed to speed up to overtake a car and get into the right lane, was in manual mode, changed into second, continued to accelerate and the car just didnt want to 'go' it popped, spluttered, but didnt shut down at least... Now I know what happened, but if people are having this problem with stock pumps surely my walbro shouldnt do this? Maybe it was just too hot even for the walbro?? I was at 1/2 tank of BP ultimate... BTW these cars feel like crap in hot weather, utter crap, my wog cooler doesnt help much at all though... Last night on the hwy though, everything back to normal...
  11. [quote name='animalxr6t' post='645736' date='Mar 14 2008, 05:46 PM']im only looking for around 330kw. does this mean that these are too big for me or is bigger always better[/quote] Im running siemans with just 240 rwkw's and i cannot fault them. They provide good head room if you wanna push it further also...
  12. So that's where these other 'hot spots' are ey greeny..... Even better they are closer to my area hehehe..
  13. Scribr is right... Before you do anything first place you look is your mirrors, mirrors then indicate etc... As hard as it might be just try and relax, some people get to nervous and that's when mistakes arise.. A mate of mine failed because he was goin too slow, he said he was about 15-10km/h under the speed limit no matter what the limit was... Keep that in mind too...
  14. MiKa

    Power Run

    I gave them a call and they said $120
  15. Thanks San... I was just in you tube and came across the vid of your car.... Bloody awsome dude, sound sik.. Whoops.... is that not allowed?
  16. Was watching the game live yesterday, and yeah awsome hit.. The comentators were saying that he did some fitness training with some of the NRL teams... Explains alot ey... What a way to send Gilly out ey... dissapointing..
  17. Well I got my headsex tune, hmm a week or 2 ago, but havent had the time to get it on a dyno. Well today is my birthday and I took the day off, as you do, and decided to see how much power its making.. Danny told me when tuning that my actuator cant hold the boost and was managing around 13-14 psi max and then dropping off.. He also told me, basically to put my wog cooler in the bin hehe. He also reckoned that I would have arount 240rwkw just by the seat of the pants feel... Well Danny was spot on.. First and best run, it made 243rwkw's, as the car got hotter, second run 230ish rwkw and final run 213rwkw's... Its also hot in melb today at around 30 plus deg, no excuses the cooler is crap.. Boost was around 12-13 psi and then just dropped to around 10.. To me dyno figures dont mean much, if the car puts a smile on my face, when I gun it, or even scares me than im happy. Where the car is right now im really happy with it, im lovin the sounds and everythings effortless. I dont like how the power dropps off so easily, so the actuator and cooler are my next upgrades.. I'd be happy with 280rwkw's I think. Stock this car was the most powerful thing I've driven lol.. Thanks Danny... Oh yer I'll be needing your services soon, one of my doors doesnt lock LOL.. Oh yer anyone in Melb who want cheap dyno runs go to MK Automotive, $55, thanks for the headsup whistler6... MK Automotives printer was crapping itself so after trying a few times it only managed the following printout, but yer you can see all 3 runs etc... Cheers Mike..
  18. MiKa

    Power Run

    Thanks whistler6... I gave the a buzz as soon as I read your post. When I called they were about to put a Expensive Daewoo on the dyno, but as I live so close to them they waited for me to get there and did my run... Best thing about it $55... Whistler6 I think from memory it was $650 all up, they also did a few checks on the car and ran it up on the dyno.. I'll start a thread in the general car talk, I think is the right one, with a write up of dannys tune etc.... so look there... Cheers Mike..
  19. Hey guys, just wondering where to go for cheap power runs in Melb... All the ones I've called want $100+ just for a power run, IMO that's a bit steep... I understand if im wanting every graph under the sun ie: AFR, Boost, HP, whatever else there is. I just want a rwkw figure... Prefer S.E. Melb Cheers Mike...
  20. I got a lady tester when I went for my P's there... She was good, she and my instructor were good mates and kept on talkin about footy the whole time LOL...
  21. How much did the actuator/flapper/port cost you... I gess mates rates ey. How about a group buy/Install??
  22. My RHR door started doing this yesterday aswell. Like every little thing is going wrong these days. My headlights need changing, then my foggie light crapped itself now the bloody door lock... Good its an easy fix..
  23. Stock 4 speed 227rwkw 650nm That was just with a custom tune.. havent had it on a dyno since the headsex tune..
  24. Ohh yeah seen them outside that ford a few times also...
  25. Hey SDWAYZ do they work in Frankston at Muffler fit or near by? I see that RLQUIK ofter when im in frankston as I drive past... Rapid with 20's black wheels yea??
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