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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. YaYYYYYYY what do I get????
  2. My guess is, the guy/you, took the beast out for its first drive and it crapped itself and needed to be towed back home.. Do I get a prize?
  3. MiKa

    Dyno Day Only $45!

    I think you need not to work on weekends especially sunday's... LOL
  4. You car is a full sleeper, and I assume you like that, if you got a phoon throw that outta the window as most people know they are quick, and if they dont they'll find out..
  5. Hey wingnut, dont sell it , just get a bodykit... You'll look like a phoon and still be able to smoke almost anything on the road... that's what I would do...
  6. I work about 15min from home too, and I dont warm up my car. I just start it and drive off. I usually get a red light just down the road, so that's all the idling I do really. I keep it off boost or under 2000rpm untill the needle starts to head towards the 1/4 mark.. Then maybe giving it a bit more, max 3500prm.. By the time I get to work she is fully warmed up and ready to go, then I turn her off and into the factory I go.. Same occurs after work, but I usually just start it and have a chat to work mates for about 5 mins and then I drive off... In the end its up to you, you could get a more economical car but that would be boring, but if you drive you car as you said 'I generally just drive around town using less than 2000rpm' than your not even driving on boost so that should be boring aswell...
  7. MiKa

    Dyno Day Only $45!

    Are spectators welcome... I've just had a run to check my power about a month ago and havent changed anything since, so no need for anymore runs...
  8. MiKa

    Whos Is This?

    A chick from work, bought one of those 'power chips', "gain 20 hp" chips off ebay and chucked it on.. Not only did it do nothing but she fudged up her wiring gettin it on, and now her electrics are all over the place.. Wipers go on when they want, indicators only come on when they want to etc... All you can do is laugh... BTW she drives a R34, 4 door, auto, non turbo skyline, so she deserved it LOL
  9. I've had Alpine in the past and really liked them.. You'll get the best outta them if the're amplified... BTW if you end up gettin Alpine, get the Type-r range of speakers, good quality at a reasonable price...
  10. Maybe jacking up one side of the car as apposed to just each corner at a time. (2 wheels at once) Looks good mate, but yer it is a ballbreaker of a job... I did 2 cars in one day about a month ago and I was exhausted...
  11. LOL... Poor skooby... Could I offer you a skooby snack to cheer you up??
  12. WOW $850 is in the high end, for what im guessing is a 'off the shelf' system, but yer in woop woop, they do tend to charge what they want... I've seen redback systems on ebay for around $400-$500 plus postage and fitting so it would neary be close to what you paid in the end.... Good to see you happy with it... I really want a nice exhaust note, all I hear is turbo, not that that's bad but, its missing something.. Adding to what senna_T said when you get the edit, it'll be like having a new car.. Cheers Mike
  13. A mate of mine used to get them to work on his VLT, but yer not too sure bout the T's
  14. First car was a hand me down 90's Toyota camry wagon, at the time felt like it had 200rwkw's LOL Gave it heaps and it didnt miss a beat.. Eventually was stolen and written off... Next I actually paid for was a VS Late model camira S pac.. Did the usual exhaust mods, roller rockers, big cam etc.. Had 134rwkw before tuned, so pretty respectable for a N/A 6.. Then when off the P's jumped into the T... Never looking back.. Fastest car I've owned
  15. I know from experience when Danny was tuning my car with the wog cooler, the inlet temps were farken high as... Then I put it on a dyno a few weeks after, and the first run was at 240rwkw and by the time it was on the third run it went down to around 225rwkw, mind you it was a hot day which didnt help the little wog at all.... So basically no. It aint worth it....
  16. Hey Skooby, what brand did you get? Or was it a custom jobbie? How much? Where from? I was looking at the Red Back systems. Had one on the old car, and it was plenty loud and gave good power for the $180 it cost me fitted... Anyone have one on their T, any good or bad comments to do with power and sound?? Cheers Mike
  17. Nah they are aftermarket DBA's.... Im onto my next set of pads, hence the questions.. They havent been machined before. I know on normal discs its possible, but these being slotted I dont know... Not sure how old they are, but I put them on with new pads, so how long does a set of pads last?? How longs a piece of string?? Cheers Mike
  18. MiKa

    Vic - Night Cruise

    HAHAHAH breast tested....
  19. Cheers.. I'll give em a go.. Do you know if its possible to machine slotted discs?
  20. Any idea on a price for a set?
  21. Sorry to hijack but im sorta in the same boat.... I have DBA slotted discs and am needing new pads... I've had Bendix ultimates, and have only used these. I want to try something different... Any ideas???
  22. A bit off topic but I reckon Melb has the best looking T's.... Should start a topic on the subject hehhehe
  23. MiKa

    Vic - Night Cruise

    Any more pics and vids?? For the people who missed out??
  24. I think im in love... That install is FARKEN hot.. The best I've seen in a BA/BF.. If only you were in Melb you'd be doing another one LOL... Any chance of measurements or a diagram etc... So I can attempt it or get someone down here to do it too... PLZZZ... I cry everytime I look into my boot as it looks like sh*t.. I'll go and take a coupla pics and you'll see what I mean...
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