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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. I sent them an e-mail and they pretty much said exactly what you said hehe. I was quoted $155 for a hub. You said you got yours for $80? You said you did yours yourself so im assuming you bought a new bearing instead of the whole hub and replacing that? Cheers Mike...
  2. I had a big cam in my old VS, v6 though... Was awsome when it was in the cams 'range' but yeah not so good out of it...
  3. Looks hot mate... That is a HUGE cooler.. Radpid should be jelous hehehe... So $400 you say ey...
  4. Hey if you have 2muchkw I'd be glad to take some from you...
  5. Im out... Cant be arsed... LOL
  6. Hey IceMyButt any chance of a few pics??
  7. Good to hear buddy... Mines going sweet... Yeah well rego and now some suspension stuff has come up so performance mods are on hold a bit, but next on the list is actuator, cause mine is piss poor... With the bearing thing, I dont know much if anything about them, and the guy never called me back for prices etc... What exactly do I need to replace? The bearings itself or the whole hub? Or does it depend on how bad its gotten? Will probably pop into the CBC place during the week but I need to know what I need exactly, so I can pick it up.. Cheers Mike
  8. Hey g-reg, a bit off topic but im alno needing my front left bearing changed... Any ideas as to what brand etc.. your going for? Well any advice really... Cheers Mike
  9. After a bit of searching I found this.. http://www.conbear.com/ Im guessing its the same people that Hgracer89 is talkin about.. Best thing is that they have a distributer about 5 mins from where I work...
  10. Ok theres no chance in hell I'm gonna do this myself lol... I was amazed that I got my wog cooler and other assorted pipes on, they took me two days LOL... Wheres/whats CBC?? Would it be better getting both sides done at the same time as the other might be close to letting go aswell??? Or just wait and see? Cheers for the info... BTW hows ya Headsex tune goin..??
  11. I agree that the HSV is a POS but you cant compare a 2 door Jap sports car to a 4 door Aussie 'saloon'. Its apples and oranges.. Expensive Daewoo have nothing to compete with the GTR, its target is Euro's finest.. Can the GTR fit 4-5 people comfortably? Hows the boot space? Then again the HSV would handle like sh*t and would be way slower compared to the GTR.. I'd have a Fg F6, before the W427, edit and a few more mods, would have it running rings around the HSV and have better fuel economy.. My 2c OHH Senna, let me know about the nut thing... and Grudgee sorry mate I need the other one... LOL
  12. Def a bit of Liberty in that pic Flukey... All good though.. IMO the FG F6's are farken HOT!!! (Colour the racoon bits the same as the car though)
  13. This happened when I first got my T.. (stock as a rock) My cousin didnt know I bought it.. His missus was gonna pick him up and go to a party.. Me and a few mates parked a few houses down from his house and waited for her to pick him up.. So... we end up following them from dandy till endeavour hills. As they turn into a side street I speed up behind them, hi-beaming them whilst my mate gets out his lighter which had red and blue lights that flashed when you pop the top off. They pull over and wait in the car.. hehe, we then run out and by then they realise its me and a few mates.. Needless to say she sh*tted herself thinking we were cops LOL Funniest thing I've done in a car... There was this other time on a road trip. My car was dirty as and my mate wrote on both sides of the car "we love dick" No one else knew including me, and we were wondering why we were getting some strange looks hehehe
  14. You could almost say the same thing about buying a T over an F6 I wouldnt buy a Expensive Daewoo ever again but I would donate one of my nuts to Ford for an FG F6
  15. I've got one of them... A member on here sells them Miss Ally is her name.. Dont think they get any cheaper.. She's not on here much anymore.. The fit isnt perfect, mine is still abit wobbly, and I've tried nearly everything that's isnt permanent, so I can get the guages out for whatever reason.. If I was you I'd get a Pole Position tripod, from what I've read, they are the best. Plus Pole Position is a site sponsor..
  16. HAha was just reading this happend in Carrum Downs, my home town... At last a bit of action in the sicks hehee... As others have said, no one deservs that.. My mates dad is one of those guys, I can just imagine what he has to say about it...
  17. Thanks Adam great help mate...
  18. Thanks for that Adam... So with the bearings is there a 'good' brand or should I get it off Ford and get ripped? Does the ebay one look like a good buy? Hmmm too much air.. I check them once a week, and only when the tyres are cold, usually 2 min drive to the servo.. I have 19's, cheap tyres and TTF (tyre factory) said 40psi...
  19. Is this what I need? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/AU-Falcon-BA-Falcon...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Hey, Just had new pads fitted, and was explaning to the guy that whenever I go over bumps I hear a popping sorta noise, I thought it was my shocks because they are over 100,000kms old and my car is lowered with SSL's and SL's, usual wear and tear.. He had a look and said my front left wheel bearing is crap and is gonna price me up a new one.. Just wondering, how much $$ im looking at? He also said it can be dangerous if not fixed soon... Also my tyres arent wearing evenly, it dips in the centre on the tyre, can anyone explaon whats wrong?? Sorry for all the Q's.. Cheers Mike...
  21. Yeah I asked about them and the guy said they were better in that they have a higher heat thingy.. Basically they can go on for longer without fading.. They were $175 ish
  22. Well from what I gathered and if the posts were correct... If DBOSS and Billsta were using them, they must be a good thing, but, I also read that CV were using bigger ones than the ones im assuming that are for $666 with the piping etc.... So yea still no clue really...
  23. Hey PURVIE post up a pic of your ride... I was gonna get those rims on ma T.. but yea didnt end up happening.. Would like to see what they look like on a Phantom... (best colour BTW)
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