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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Im thinking one of those cannon ricer tips.... Edit: bet me to it
  2. Hey, where are you gonna get your springs compressed?
  3. Sorry to hear dude.. I'll make sure to tell everyone I know about that place.... TTF would have been a better option dude and cheaper...
  4. Thanks dude.. How much? Im only wanting the back compressed about an inch...
  5. I would think the most important issue is how good they are not what wheels they fit under.. That would be one of the last things I would factor into buying brakes.. Sure its important, but quality and price would be at hte top... From what YOU have said they seem to be a good upgrade...
  6. MiKa

    Best Mod

    EDIT for sure... Was like jumping into a new car again..
  7. Hey Charlie or even Mike, where do you guys get your springs compressed??
  8. Ahhh I had mine sitting ontop of the radiator, so maybe that's why they didnt work.. Thanks heaps dude...
  9. Hey Coley if its not too late could you take a pic of the horns with wires connected.. After I fitted my cooler I couldnt figure out which wires went where, I tried different combinations but they all didnt work.. Cheers Mike
  10. I have the same problem.. I was told to get a camber kit also.. Your tyres are wearing evenly, and a camber kit should straighten your wheels up so the whole surface of the tyre is in contact with the ground not just the inner parts.. Mine isnt as bad as yours but eventually they would be.. Sux ey, I hate it when everything decides to fark up at once!!!
  11. Well I have sorta the same noise can only REALLY hear it when I just start the car.. Kind of a ticking sound and gets worse as revs rise.. but goes away when car is warm/hot.. Was told it was loose manifold/turbo bolts, so I'll be gettin them checked out next service, the noise hasnt got anyworse, and no loss of power so it can wait heheh.. Good luck....
  12. $350 is about right... that's how much I paid and I did ring around and that was the cheapest... They also said that there is no such thing as SSL for the back, they called them ultra lows, but it is the same thing.. They were hesitant, cause they had to chop the bump stops and they kept asking me "is this really what you want" lol.. The guy that works on my car is also the owner of the place so that was good.. Ended up buying my rims and go there for anything to do with tyres and suspension..
  13. Does it happen only when the cars cold?.. Not noticable when the cars hot?
  14. NAVMAN S50 or S80... My cousin has an S80 and its awsome...
  15. Was on it last weekend.. Going from Frankston to the city, the first tunnel looks like your entering Jurassic Park hehe.. You know the big gates when they first get there.. Looks awsome at night.. Just make sure yas all have the cruise controll on!! Im a maybe for now....
  16. Good work mate... all the practice pays off..
  17. Hey James, I have not the 4000 series, just the normal ones but they have slots in em, they are the 'street series'.. Bout $100 a rotor. Pads I've got Bendix Ultimates, they were $120 for the fronts. I bought them from HiTeck Brakes in Moorabbin.. Autobarn wanted $175 for the Bendix, and about $120 each rotor.. Big improvement over standard, plus got rid of the shudder...
  18. I was hoping someone turbo'd a wagon again... Didnt FTG do it first?
  19. I dont think any normal person would push their car that hard unless they had a backup motor or something... Good luck on the 10 Danny..
  20. Good work Danny.. Pushin the boundaries, and possibly breaking his own car so he knows how not to break his customers cars... Gotta love that hehhe.. Keep it up mate..
  21. I actualy dont mind the 'take the piss' option heheh but I would go with black.. The rest arent much change from what you already have.. Maybe red centers, would really stand out!!!
  22. I have a magazine, with a guy from SA I think who fitted one on his T.. His T was also running over 300rwkw's and the writer of the mag commented that he couldnt feel/tell the difference when running on gas then switched back to petrol.. Performance was the same he said...
  23. Cant comment on top 3 havent used that many...
  24. LOL ride water bufflo... So whens the next cruise? Not so early!!! Hey isnt the next one gonna be a night cruise anyway?
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