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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. Hmm my guess would have been either monroe which I have had in the old car or as senna said pedders. I havent delt with pedders products before, but it aint looking good by what 7MA61 said... I'd seriously be happy with just the factory spec shock suited to my ride height.. Im coming from a VS with chopped springs and as bumpy as all &%^@ so the T already feels like a limo LOL..
  2. WoOOooww dont all reply at once...
  3. 2011 you say... Well I dunno but im 100% sure it was it... Didnt look too flash, probably because it was plain black, not those hot colours they come in, from the pics ya see in the mags etc.. Plus it was pretty dirty, which we can thank the great Melb weather for...
  4. Wasnt a T, but I saw a new Camaro yesterday on dandy-franger rd.... It was black and dirty as hell. Are they here already?
  5. Seen one of these the other day driving past my street... Looked farken HOT!!!
  6. With a tune comes added boost, which is the key ingredient in making more power.. As senna said wait till you fit the cat and injectors as they WILL need a tune..
  7. I saw XR2DY4, YPURV4, TAXJOB's mate's car the usual White F6 and a few other T's but I dont think they on here.. Was a good night and damn those Mazda 3 MPS's are quick for a lil 4 banger, dunno if they were modded but I want one!!!
  8. I'll be heading out tonight...
  9. Hey genebaby keep us posted mate I too want that sexy flick key...
  10. Thanks for the offer. I have seen it in the for sale section, but im keeping my options open at the moment, and am wanting to buy new, for my piece of mind..
  11. Hey people, Well the T is going strong but its startin to show its age in the suspension department..It feels like im not 100% in controll of the car and when going over a series of bumps on the road I hear a faint popping.. The car has about 103,000kms now and doesnt feel as good as it did say with 60,000kms.. I want to freshn it up and am unsure as to what to get done, I have a few questions.. BTW I have SL front and SSL rear King springs... I know I should get the shorter shocks, but what brand? I dont intend to do any sort of remotely hard cornering so wont be needing the fancy Koni or Bilsteins.. Should I get any new bushes? If so what brands? Is there a kit or something for the Falcs? I am also planing on getting Whitline swaybars and a camber kit too.. What else should I look into to freshn up the suspension? Cheers Mike...
  12. Awsome work dude, that thing really boogies.. More videos!!!!!!!!!
  13. LOL I cant imagine many that would... I fkn LOVE the plates and it should have the balls to back it up..
  14. My cousin msg me and he spotted an xr8, maybe an fpv with the plates SSTHIS he said it sounded mean heheh..
  15. Stumbled across this fine example.. R32 front on a VL
  16. MiKa

    Got Em!

    Very different... Not to my taste but they dont look too bad..
  17. I have/had this problem. First time was about a year ago and did it for about a week.. Then a few months ago again did it for about a week.. When coming to a stop weather traffic lights or slowing down to go up the driveway it would drop revs, shake and occasionally turn off.. First time I crapped myself cause you loose steering etc.. I did abit of reading on here but there is no difinate answer. I took it to my then tuner and they fiddled with the tune but still had the problem. Im on my second battery in about 2 years and I have a decent stereo (2 12" subs 2 amps off the ICC) but I also have a capacitor.. My problem comes and goes, next time it pops up I'll try and find a fix but for now she is sweet.. Clean yout throttle body, might be your alternator, maybe battery, TPS. sould be alot of things. Some guys have had their throttle body changed etc..
  18. To quote one of the greatest quotes "It doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning"
  19. Yeah but an AWD system ads weight, and that's something the T's dont need... AWD and a diet and then it would be a GTR killer... Good work to the TT guys, awsome times...
  20. Just as it was getting good too... Oh well I'll end up watching that movie after all and eat my popcorn too...
  21. My mate had one on his Expensive Daewoo and lets just say he had a few problems with it and his wasnt just a one button thing, I could do without the hassle.. Theres nothing wrong with starting the car the old fashon way is there?? Why are all the BF guys gettin FG keys and not remote start? Senna how much is what your talkin about? A guy at my work has one on his BMW standard, and im guessin its not cheap aftermarket?
  22. My point is I cant stand carrying alot of crap in my pockets when I go out and so a flick key would make my life easier and a turbo timer and remote start would complicate my life...
  23. Yeah but on the street its usually from a traffic light so both parties know exactly when to launch.. Whereas on a roll on (from experience) its whoever decides to accelerate first and then the other driver reacts and then starts to accelerate.. I've had roll ons where I was in the wrong gear cause the guy just took off.. BTW I still reeled him in and beat him by a car length..
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