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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. I might bo up for a set Pat, if they are indeed good and more impotrantly easy to fit... Me and electricity/wiring dont mix LOL...
  2. Looks really good dude... I dont mind the red on red.. Wish I had done my hubs now....
  3. Same thing happend to mine, but not the same pulley though, check out my thread.. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...c=35045&hl=
  4. MiKa


    A guy at work has an N/A, dead stock and he can smoke 1st to 2nd and leave black lines up the road.. He gives his xr6 HELL though...
  5. Thx, just got myself a new desktop background.... Tuff as nails mate.
  6. Which BP servo, theres 2 of em.. I live between them lol... I might meet up with you guys too...
  7. MiKa


    What do you have mate?
  8. MiKa


    Well I use to have a female bird eating spider... Was awsome to watch it feed. It would repeatedly stab the cricket with its 1.5cm fangs.. The mother hated it lol.. I didnt know how to look after it properly, so it died. Will get another one some day, or maybe a scorpion...
  9. My ADSL1 contract with Optus is over so I can quit them anytime.. Still not 100% on who to go with but yea, by next week I should be gettin my ADSL2 WOOHOO
  10. How could the co-driver see where the hell he was goin anyway... A+ for effort though
  11. "about as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop"
  12. MiKa

    Pet Names...

    A girl I knew had a massive rottie, that everyone was scared of appart from her old man. They used to feed it, when the old man wasnt home by throwing the food out the back window LOL. The rotties name was 'Sargent'
  13. I found this quite funny and painful to watch at the same time.. Edit: It never works for me Could a lovely mod fix plz.... Edit: http://s.mcstatic.com/Flash/vp/EmbedVideoP...lowed=true& Metacafe isnt supported...
  14. Pffffffft 6 stacker, wow.. I reckon I could fit more songs on an mp3 cd then you could fit on your 6 discs. I have premo sound and theres nothing premo about it. If its so premo then why upgrade it?? For the price of a GOOD line level converter you could get a GOOD headunit, without the fuss... Then again its up to you, I also went through the 'I want it to look stock' phase, then my wonderful 6 stacker decided to sh*t itself, so I went out and bought myself an Alpine deck, to connect to the rest of my gear, and its gonna be DOOF DOOF all the way. My 2c.
  15. Apples and oranges... Theres a reason why Ford make falcons, cause Expensive Daewoo make commies, Subie make wrx's cause Mitsu make evo's. I had a run in with an STi 2 door (private road). Sounded and looked modded (cooler,exhaust) and I had only a tune. It launched like it was connected to elastic bands, I started to reel it in, but honestly had no chance...
  16. IMO to do it right the first time would be getting a head unit fitted... that's what im gonna do.
  17. MiKa

    600+ Kw Ba Ute

    Specs, specs, specs, specs....... plz. Oh and pics too...
  18. Alot of boys in blue around I saw, cut a lap and I headed home...
  19. SIKXE8 think I saw ya last night at the Kebab place on the HWY, looks way tuff anyways dude..
  20. I went to pirtek, but they have limmited stock at any given time. Make sure you call first if your going there to make sure they have what you want.. That Pig place looks good too...
  21. Hey, I dunno the answer to your question but I have the same setup in my car (2 subs though). Im running my gear through an AudioControl LC6i which is basically a line level converter, but a good one, that allows ya to connect pretty much anything to the factory system. Sound quality isnt as good from a line level converter as a head unit, but it enables you to connect amps, subs etc. so way better than standard.
  22. They should also invest in those 'mod chips' 20+hp gain is awsome. Oh yeah those electric superchargers too.. Who needs a T when you have all these available..
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