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Everything posted by MiKa

  1. You lern from your mistakes, so let him... Give it a go mate. Hell if it works 'properly' and is cheap, make me one...
  2. MiKa

    Mazda Rx7

    I raced a series 8, and...... lets just say he won...
  3. Hey Pat, chuck up the pics of the VL...
  4. What about replacement globes??
  5. I dont think I can really do anything, but get it tested etc.. If I do pass then they can always say that I changed it. I read the letter properly and it says I was spooted by 'a member of the Victorian Police indicating that the vehicle was considered to be excessively noisy or to have had a faulty exhaust.' given the area chances are it would have been. If I do nothing, I get a $567 fine, or if prosecuted in court a max fine of $6607. Then my car rego may be suspended. I reckon just gonna cop it on the chin, pay the $30+ and be done with it. Al least ill pass.... ENVY-T you crack me up dude...
  6. What ever happend to that guy who was making his own plenums? Like the Nitto?? ones..
  7. Not in VIC... You just pay ya rego in time and your sweet... I got a Defect a few weeks ago, no fine, just had to go to VIC roads for them to asses it. All was good and I was on my way, just time wasted. In this case I believe im actually paying for the Exhaust Shop's time, to test my car, not a goverment building. According to the letter I wasnt doing anything 'bad' on the road, just that my exhaust MIGHT be faulty or too loud. I say I shouldnt pay until im found guilty, not 'oh I reckon his exhaust is too loud, he should pay to get it tested' I.B. if u knew where I was you'd know that it must have been cops... Maybe being in that location I was asking for it.. Meh.
  8. Didnt get a fine, just got to pay for the test....
  9. I got my Nizpro valve springs put in by Nizpro. I supplied them with just the springs nothin else.. It may depend on how heavy duty your goin?
  10. Its gonna cost me $37.50, and is non refundable.. So I assume WHEN I pass im still out of pocket..
  11. Tell me about it... It says on the paper "It was not necessary to stop your vehicle" hehhe. Then why go to the trouble of sending me a letter a month later... Just meeting there quota I guess... Dillz, Greeny prob send them Chrissy cards too LOL...
  12. Hey, Just got home from work, and on my desk is a Vehicle Test Notice from the EPA tellin me that I was spotted on bla bla rd and that my car's exhaust is either too noisy or faulty. Noble Park north at 11:59pm, hmmm what would I have been doing there LOL.. Anyway my zorst is stock as a rock, apart from the tips lol so I dont think I have anything to worry about. I think maybe the EPA or most likely Cop, that saw me, may have heard it spoolin and thought I had a leak/hole in the zorst, or maybe just to piss me off.. Its been about a month since I was 'spotted' LOL. First time for me, so if anyone has any advice (YPURV4 LOL) im keen to hear it.. One of the places that I can go, to have it checked out, I was there a few weeks ago checking if I had a zorst leak and they said it was sweet, so I think I'll go back to them and get it tested.. Cheers Mike..
  13. Cheap petrol (wasnt really driving then but would LOVE it now) No enviromental, financial bullsh*t to get you down X-men, Pizza cats, Gargoyles could go on forever.. Used to be able to go out and have FUN without at least $100 in ya pocket
  14. That thing is an FN weapon...
  15. Sorry boys for the late notice but, im gonna have to pull out.... Things have come up.. im BLOODY shattered im gonna miss out on this...
  16. That would be me, didnt see you though.. I was actually doin a u-turn as I work in Dandy hehe... Hey Worm, did I spot you this arvo bout I dunno half an hour ago on dandy/franger? You were heading towards dandy way? Seen your wheels and same color too.....
  17. Yeah you can, theres an R5rip out and from skimming through it, almost 10/10 for quality.. Torrents are your friend
  18. Damn, that's an early start.. If I can get up that early I'll be there, that's pretty much my backyard anyway hehe
  19. Hey Toochi, dammnit your in Perth.. I've been thinking of gettin red walls or white walls for a while now and for a carton even better...
  20. sh*t I thought I was seeing double... Reminds me of when I bought my rims.. Never seen them before so I got em.. Next few days I see a T with the same wheels WTF???
  21. Yeah its one thing to run 9's at the drags but then to be beaten by a 'slower car' on the street, I wouldnt be too happy.. Wasnt the Gtech car running front runners and MT's, that VLCT had on FR's and street tyres from what I saw... Gotta admit that VL has BALLS no matter the situation..
  22. Was talkin to one of my VLT mates about it, he says its an animal, has about 315rwkw's ans still runs the standard inlet manifold... He sent me this link... Post #257 for pics.... http://www.etstreet.com/index.php?showtopic=2453&st=240
  23. He has the 2.5, and I agree for what it is it goes pretty good. 2nd gear feels awsome in it, right in the torque zone... I agree on the revving too, it sounds wierd when pushed, almost like its complaining LOL.. Bastards got a sunroof though, and im jelous..
  24. Hey tangcla, welcome to the forum.. Showed my cousin the pics of your Lib GT and he was droolin.. He didnt get a GT, just the N/A and regrets it big time (hes not a big HP fan also)...
  25. Saw it also... Was having a squirt with a red VLT and looked like it lost...
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